NMDC Junior Officer Trainee Exam Pattern

NMDC Junior Officer Trainee Exam Pattern  2022

NMDC Junior Officer Trainee 2022 Date & Details – NMDC Limited is going to conduct the Junior Officer Trainee written Exam for different discipline viz. Mechanical, Mining, Electrical & Civil on 24th April 2022.

NMDC Limited Junior Officer Trainee Exam Pattern 2022 –

(1) Selection process would consist of a Written Test.

(2) Written Test shall be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) consisting of 4 options with one correct option. Candidate has to choose the correct option.

(3) There shall be 100 questions in the NMDC Written Test and Total marks shall be 100. Each correct answer shall carry 1 mark.

(4) There shall be NO Negative marking for wrong answers.

(5) The constitution of the Question paper will be as below –

(a) The paper will be divided into two parts.

(b) Part – I Subject/ Discipline Knowledge – 60 Marks

(c) Part – II General Aptitude, Verbal Reasoning, General Knowledge, Numerical Ability, Data Interpretation – 40 Marks

(6) The question paper will be available in Bilingual (Hindi/English) questions shall be available in actual exam.

NMDC Junior Officer Trainee Sample MCQ Pattern – CBT

NMDC Junior Officer Trainee Sample Question Paper 2022


No. Questions
General Aptitude
1 In bag there are coins of 25 paisa, 50 paisa and 1 rupee in the ratio of 3:4:5. If there are in all Rs. 31, then how many 1 rupee coins are there in the bag?

(a)    12

(b)   16

(c)    24

(d)   20

2 A vessel contains some litres of pure milk. If 25 litre of water is added to the vessel, then ratio between milk and water becomes 12:5, 17 litres of mixture is drawn from the vessel and 10 litre of water is added to the mixture. Find the new ratio between milk and water.

(a)    6 :

(b)   5 : 6

(c)    8 : 5

(d)   5 : 8

3 20 buckets of water fill a tank when the capacity of each bucket is 14.5 litres. How many buckets will be required to fill the same tank if the capacity of each bucket is 10 litres?

(a)    31

(b)   29

(c)    32

(d)   30

4 Water flows into a tank which is 200 m long and 15o wide, through a pipe of cross-section (0.3m x 0.2m) at 20 km/hr. In what time will the water level be 8 m?

(a)    450

(b)   500

(c)    200

(d)   250

5 A simmer can swim 68 km downstream and 45 km upstream in 9 hours and he will take 2 hours more to swim 51 km downstream and 72 km upstream. Find the speed of the simmer in still water?

(a)    17

(b)   15

(c)    13

(d)   09

General Knowledge/ Current Affairs Test
6 Which country ratified the Kyoto protocol in late 2004 and thus caused it to become international law?

(a)    Russia

(b)   USA

(c)    China

(d)   India

7 World’s highest radio station is

(a)    Leh

(b)   Srinagar

(c)    Shillong

(d)   Dubai

8 Which of the following is NOT associated with industrial food production ?

(a)    Fossil Fuel

(b)   Chemical fertilizer

(c)    Labour

(d)   Machinery

9 Tejaswina Sawant is Associated with which sport

(a)    Shooting

(b)   Boxing

(c)    Badminton

(d)   Hockey

10 In a certain coding system FLOWER is written as SEXOMF, how will you code GARDEN ?

(a)    OEERBH

(b)   OFESBH

(c)    OEESBG

(d)   OEERBG

11 In a certain language ‘526’ means ‘sky is blue’, ‘24’ means ‘blue colour’ and ‘436’ means ‘colour in fun’. Which digit in that language means ‘fun’?

(a)    2

(b)   3

(c)    4

(d)   6

12 If (a) ‘gnr tag zogqmp’ stands for ‘ Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee’ (b) ‘hytognr emf’ stands for, ‘Summer Olympic Games’ and (c) ‘ esmsdrhyto’ stands for ‘ Modern Games History’, what would ‘summer’ stands for ?

(a)    gnr

(b)   hyto

(c)    emf

(d)   zog

13 Aruna cut a cake into two halves and cuts one half into smaller pieces of equal size. Each of the small pieces is twenty grams in weight. If she has seven pieces of the cake in all with her, how heavy was the original cake?

(a)    120 gms

(b)   140 gms

(c)    240 gms

(d)   280 gms

14 What is the smallest number of ducks that can swim in this formation-two ducks in front of a duck-two behind a duck and a duck between two ducks?

(a)    3

(b)   5

(c)    7

(d)   9

15 A taxi driver commenced his journey from a point and drove 10 km towards North and turned to his left and drove another 5 km. After waiting to meet a friend here, he turned to his right and continued to drive another 10km. He is covered a distance of 25 km so far, but in which direction would he be now?

(a)    NORTH

(b)   EAST

(c)    SOUTH

(d)   WEST

Last Updated on – 7th April 2022






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