NIT Durgapur Animal Biotechnology Mid Term Paper

NIT Durgapur Animal Biotechnology Mid Term Paper 2022-23

Sr. No. Questions
1 Animal Cells grow in laboratory at

(a)  37 degree Celsius 5% CO2

(b) 27 degree Celsius 5% CO2

(c)  37 degree Celsius 10% CO2

(d) None of these

2 Animal cells grow in

(a)  DMEM

(b) DMEN+ 10% serum

(c)  MEM

(d) None of these

3 Antibiotics are added in cell culture media

(a)  Better growth of cells

(b) Extra nutrient for cells

(c)  Prevention of infection

(d) None of these

4 Trypsinization is important for cell culture

(a)  Prevention of infection

(b) Nutrient for cells

(c)  Helps in removing the cells from culture plate

(d) None of these

5 Media contains a pH indicator (phenol red) looks

(a)  Pink / red at pH 7.2

(b) Acidic – purple

(c)  Basic – yellow or orange

(d) None of these

6 Stem cells have

(a)  Self-renewal property

(b) Remain unspecialized

(c)  Potency to become specialize

(d) All true

7 Stem cells are isolated from

(a)  Embryo

(b) Fetus

(c)  Adult tissue

(d) All above

8 Adult stem cells are

(a)  Pluripotent

(b) Multipotent

(c)  Unipotent

(d) All are true

9 Yamanaka reported that pluripotent stem cells can be established by transcription factors

(a)  Oct4 and Sox2

(b) Klf4 and Myc2

(c)  Oct4, Sox2 and Myc2

(d) All four Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and Myc2

10 EDTA added with Trypsin in cell culture because

(a)  Increase the trypsin activity

(b) Inactivate the Trypsin activity

(c)  Moderate activity of Trypsin

(d) None is true

11 HeLa cells grow in

(a)  DMEM

(b) MEM

(c)  RPMI

(d) All

12 Basic components of culture media are

(a)  Amino acids & glucose

(b) Amino acids, glucose and salts

(c)  Amino acids, glucose, salts and vitamins

(d) All true

13 Hayflick’s phenomenon suggests

(a)  Cells will continue to grow for a limited number of passage

(b) Cells will continue to grow for an unlimited number of passage

(c)  Cells will continue to grow for an unlimited number of passage if appropriate nutrients are given

(d) None is true

14 Contact inhibition is specifically observed in

(a)  Cancer cells

(b) Normal adherent cells

(c)  Lymphoblasts cells

(d) None of true

15 Stem cells isolated from blastocyst

(a)  Can form all tissues including placenta

(b) Can form all tissues excluding placenta

(c)  Can form only ectoderm and mesoderm

(d) Can form only ectoderm and endoderm

16 Oct ¾ and Sox2 maintain the pleuripotency only in

(a)  Early embryo

(b) Both in early embryo and ES cells

(c)  Only in ES cells

(d) None of these

17 C-Myc and Klf4 are

(a)  Transcription factors

(b) Modify the chromatin structure

(c)  Facilitate the Oct3/4 and Sox2 binding

(d) All are true

18 iPS cells and ES cells are

(a)  Similar

(b) Identical

(c)  Somewhat similar but not identical

(d) None

19 Immune rejection possibility does not occur in

(a)  Embryonic steam cells

(b) Adult cells

(c)  iPS cells

(d) None

20 Fbx 15 expresses in

(a)  Undifferentiated ES cells

(b) Differentiated cells

(c)  Both

(d) None

21 Adeherant cells grow in

(a)  DMEM

(b) RPMI

(c)  Both

(d) None

22 Counting cell numbers by

(a)  Haemocytometer

(b) Spectrophotometer

(c)  Thermometer

(d) None of these

23 Subculture or reseeding cell during

(a)  Log phase

(b) Lag phase

(c)  Plateau phase

(d) All

24 Contact inhibition of the cells in cell culture occurs during

(a)  Log phase

(b) Lag phase

(c)  Plateau phase

(d) All

25 Adult stem cells have

(a)  Possibility of immune rejection

(b) No rejection or minimum rejection

(c)  None

(d) All above

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 18th July 2023






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