NIELIT Senior Technical Assistant Paper 2016

NIELIT Senior Technical Assistant Computer Science/Information Technology/Electronics & Communication Paper 2016

A phase-lag compensation will
(a) improve relative stability
(b) increase the speed of response
(c) increase bandwidth
(d) increase overshoot

None of the poles of a linear control system lie in the right half of s-plane. For a bounded input, the output of this sytem
(a) is always bounded
(b) could be unbounded
(c) always tends to zero
(d) none of these

The current gain of an amplifier stage is lowest in
(a) CB configuration
(b) CE configuration
(c) CC configuration
(d) same in all configuration

In a class AB amplifier with sinusoidal input signal, the output current flows for.
(a) Half the cycle
(b) Full cycle
(c) Less than cycle
(d) More than half cycle

An Ideal Diode
(a) should have zero resistance in the forward bias as well as reverse bias.
(b) should have zero resistance in the forward bias and an infinitely large resistance in reverse bias
(c) should have infinite large resistance in the forward bias and zero resistance in reverse bias
(d) should have infinite large resistance in the forward bias and as well as reverse bias.

A practical current source is represented by
(a) A resistance in series with an ideal current source
(b) A resistance in parallel with an ideal current source
(c) A resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage source
(d) None of the above

Four resistance 80 ohms, 50 ohms, 25 ohms and R is connected in parallel. Current through 25 ohms resistance is 4 A. Total current is 10 A. The value of R will be
(a) 66.66 ohms
(b) 40.25 ohms
(c) 36.36 ohms
(d) 76.56 ohms

The addition of p-type impurity to intrinsic material creates allowable energy levels
(a) slightly above conduction band
(b) slightly below conduction band
(c) slightly above valence band
(d) slightly below valence band

Zener breakdown occurs
(a) due to rupture of covalent bonds
(b) due to thermally generated minority carriers
(c) in lightly doped junctions
(d) only in germanium diodes

Negative feedback in an amplifier
(a) increase noise
(b) reduce bandwidth
(c) reduce gain
(d) increase distortion






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