NIELIT Junior Technical Assistant की भर्ती हेतु वर्ष 2016 के प्रश्न पत्र में कंप्यूटर साइंस से 55 प्रश्न, B.Sc लेवल के गणित के 17 प्रश्न और रीजनिंग के 13 प्रश्न पूछे गए थे
NIC Junior Technical Assistant Paper 2016
The addition of p-type impurity to intrinsic material creates allowable energy levels
(a) slightly above conduction band
(b) slightly below conduction band
(c) slightly above valence band
(d) slightly below valence band
Measurement of Hall coefficient enables the determination of
(a) temperature coefficient
(b) recovery time of stored carrier
(c) Fermi level
(d) type of conductivity and concentration of charge carriers
The diffusion current is proportional to
(a) applied electric field
(b) concentration gradient of charge carriers
(c) square of electric field
(d) cube of applied electric field
In a two stage CE amplifier circuit, the ac collector resistance of the first stage depends on
(a) the input impedance of first stage
(b) the input impedance of second stage
(c) load resistance only
(d) none of the above
Class C amplifier is suitable for
(a) a narrow frequency band
(b) audio frequency
(c) a wide frequency band
(d) all the signals
Which of the following has lowest propagation delay?
(a) ECL
(b) TTL
(c) PMOS
(d) CMOS
The number of address lines in a memory chip of size 8192 x 8 is
(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 13
(d) 16
Power spectral density of white noise
(a) is constant with frequency
(b) increase with frequency
(d) decrease with frequency
(d) varies exponentially with frequency
Vestigial sideband is most commonly used in
(a) radio transmission
(b) telephony
(c) television transmission
(d) all of the above
The buffer amplifier should have
(a) low output impedance and low input impedance
(b) low output impedance and high input impedance
(c) high output impedance and low input impedance
(d) high output impedance and high input impedance
Mesh analysis is applicable to only
(a) non-planer network
(b) planner netework
(c) circuits containing voltage source
(d) cirucuits containing current sources
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