MSCE Pune GCC TBC English Paper Jan 2019

Maharashtra – state Council of Education – Pune – GCC – TBC 30-WPM – Batch – 105 – Jan – 2019 – English

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Internet’s initial development was supported by ____

(a)    NSFNET

(b)   FAX

(c)    TELENT


Ans- (d)

2. Which option is used to insure connection with Gmail server is disconnected?

(a)    Log out

(b)   Sign up

(c)    Login

(d)   Sign in

Ans- (a)

3. .Docx is ____ file extension.

(a)    Notepad

(b)   Word 2003

(c)    Word 2007 to 2010

(d)   Word 97

Ans- (c)

4. Computers are used in _____ sectors.

(a)    Banking

(b)   Industries

(c)    Communications

(d)   All of these

Ans- (d)

5. Data Storing capacity of DVD is about ____ to 17 GB.

(a)    4.7 GB

(b)   10 GB

(c)    1 GB

(d)   9 GB

Ans- (a)

6. ↑-This arrow key is used to move the cursor on the line.

(a)    Right

(b)   Left

(c)    Below

(d)   Above

Ans- (d)

7. In MS-Word ____ short cut key is used to open a store document.

(a)    Ctrl+O

(b)   Ctrl+J

(c)    Ctrl+R

(d)   Ctrl+B

Ans- (a)

8. In MS-Word to open new document ____ tab is used.

(a)    Edit

(b)   View

(c)    File

(d)   Format

Ans- (c)

9. Grammar mistake are underlined by ___ curly line.

(a)    Yellow

(b)   Blue

(c)    Red

(d)   Green

Ans- (d)

10. We cannot use ____ a command unless it is undone first.

(a)    Redo

(b)   Undo

(c)    Delete

(d)   Move

Ans- (a)

11. Ascending-Descending are types of ______

(a)    Indent

(b)   Alignment

(c)    Sorting

(d)   All of these

Ans- (c)

12. We cannot use ___ in Formula while typing formula in Cell.

(a)    Numbers

(b)   Spaces

(c)    Characters

(d)   Special Characters

Ans- (b)

13. In Excel, Shortcut key for Closing Excel workbook ____

(a)    Ctrl+S

(b)   Ctrl+W

(c)    Ctrl+Z

(d)   Ctrl+X

Ans- (b)

14. Which are the contents of a workbook in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Document

(b)   Spreadsheets

(c)    Presentation

(d)   None of these

Ans- (b)

15. To start Excel, we have to click Button on the Taskbar of Desktop.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans- (a)

16. Fly from left Bottom is ____ effect.

(a)    Animation

(b)   Action

(c)    Background

(d)   None of these

Ans- (a)

17. In Power Point outline view text matter can be seen

(a)    Matter wise

(b)   State wise

(c)    Level wise

(d)   None of these

Ans- (c)

18. ____ tab is available only in PowerPoint.

(a)    Window

(b)   Slide Show

(c)    Format

(d)   Home

Ans- (b)

19. The chart tool in a presentation allows you to insert ___

(a)    Bar, Pie diagram

(b)   Text

(c)    Clip art

(d)   Image

Ans- (a)

20. Transition is inside ____ group in Power Point

(a)    Transition to this slide

(b)   Font

(c)    Presentation on Views

(d)   Page setup

Ans- (a)

21. Memory unit of a computer stores both input and output.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans- (a)

22. Separation in domain name and Domain code is done by ____

(a)    Dot(.)

(b)   Exclamation (!)

(c)    Question Mark (?)

(d)   Star (*)

Ans- (a)

23. Long from of E-commerce is ____

(a)    Electronic Commerce

(b)   Email Commerce

(c)    Electricity Commerce

(d)   Electronical Commerce

Ans- (a)

24. Operating system performs file management.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans- (a)

25. ____ means handling operations related to storage of data in a computer.

(a)    File Management

(b)   Memory management

(c)    Hardware management

(d)   Software Management

Ans- (b)

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on  –  24th Nov 2021






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