MSCE GCC-TBC Previous Year Paper Jan 2019

Maharashtra – state Council of Education – Pune – GCC – TBC 30-WPM – Batch – 302 – Jan – 2019 – English

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. The world Interconnected system of a computer network is ____

(a)    Internet

(b)   Newsgroup

(c)    Bulletin Board

(d)   Shareware

Ans – (a)

2. Information on hard disk is stored by _____

(a)    Laser

(b)   Electro Magnetic Feature

(c)    Burning

(d)   None of these

Ans – (b)

3. What is required to connect our computer with internet

(a)    CD Drive

(b)   Modem

(c)    Pen Drive

(d)   DVD

Ans – (b)

4. _______ are types of micro computers.

(a)    Desktop

(b)   Laptop

(c)    Handheld

(d)   All of these

Ans – (d)

5. What is used to see the world wide website?

(a)    Web server

(b)   Web Browser

(c)    Microsoft Word

(d)   Microsoft PowerPoint

Ans – (b)

6. We can ____ in MS-Word 2010.

(a)    Table draw

(b)   Insert table

(c)    Insert picture

(d)   All of these

Ans – (d)

7. _____ is the sortcut key for closing document in MS-Word

(a)    CTRL +A

(b)   CTRL + Z

(c)    CTRL + Y

(d)   CTRL + W

Ans – (d)

8. MS-Word is a ____ based Application.

(a)    Windows 7

(b)   Windows XP

(c)    Windows 8

(d)   All of these

Ans – (a)

9. Ctrl + C means ____

(a)    Copy the selected text

(b)   Cut the selected text

(c)    Print the selected text

(d)   Paste the selected text

Ans – (a)

10. MS-Word Application developed by ____

(a)    Oracle

(b)   Microcraft

(c)    Microsoft

(d)   None of these

Ans – (c)

11. SUM function adds numbers in the range of cells.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans – (a)

12. We can enter data into the cells in _____ format.

(a)    Font

(b)   Bold

(c)    Text Format

(d)   Italic Format

Ans – (c)

13. What is default zoom % in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    1

(b)   80

(c)    100

(d)   110

Ans – (c)

14. Which of the following correct chart type available in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Doughnut

(b)   Column

(c)    Scatter

(d)   All of these

Ans – (d)

15. What is keyboard shortcut used to go to next worksheet in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Ctrl + >

(b)   Ctrl + end

(c)    Ctrl + Page down

(d)   Ctrl + home

Ans – (c)

16. User can add ____ files in presentation

(a)    Audio

(b)   Video

(c)    Image

(d)   All of these

Ans – (d)

17. To exit from a slide show we can right click and select ____

(a)    End show

(b)   Next

(c)    Previous

(d)   Exit

Ans – (a)

18. If you make the changes in ____ slide the changes automatically apply to whole slides.

(a)    Slide Show

(b)   Slide sorter

(c)    Slide Master

(d)   None of these

Ans – (c)

19. To select the content of whole slide ____ key is used.

(a)    Ctrl + A

(b)   Ctrl + V

(c)    Ctrl + C

(d)   Ctrl + D

Ans – (a)

20. If the current slide gets full then new slide has to be inserted ____

(a)    Manually

(b)   Automatically

(c)    Directly

(d)   None of these

Ans – (a)

21. ______ means to shows some commercial information web site.

(a)    gov

(b)   net

(c)    edu

(d)   com

Ans – (d)

22. Which of the following is used to search content online?

(a)    Social networks

(b)   Search engine

(c)    Screensers

(d)   Routers

Ans – (b)

23. An E-Mail program’s can sorted E-Mail addresses in ____

(a)    Address Book

(b)   Inbox

(c)    Spams

(d)   Outbox

Ans – (a)

24. Dot matrix printer is also known as ____

(a)    Character Printer

(b)   Line Printer

(c)    Curve Printer

(d)   Laser Printer

Ans – (a)

25. Both the POP and IMAP are used to retrieve Email.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans – (a)

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 29th Nov 2021







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