MP PAT Previous Year Paper 16th May 2016 Physics

Madhya Pradesh Pre Agriculture Test Physics Paper 16th May 2016 Slot 2


PAT16_16thMay16_2PM to 5PM_Slot2_MathsScience – Physics
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. The energy which an electron acquires when accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt, is called

(a)    1 Joule

(b)   1 Electron Volt

(c)    1 Erg

(d)   1 Watt

Ans: 1 Electron Volt 1

2. If a current is passed in a spring, it

(a)    Gets compressed

(b)   Gets expanded

(c)    Oscillates

(d)   Remain unchanged

Ans: Gets compressed

3. Which one of the following is not used to reduce friction

(a)    Oil

(b)   Ball bearings

(c)    Sand

(d)   Graphite

Ans: Sand

4. A train has a speed of 60 km/h for the one hour and 40 km/h for the next half hour. Its average speed in km/h is

(a)    50

(b)   53.33

(c)    48

(d)   70

Ans: 53.33

5. Two waves having amplitudes in the ratio 5:1 produce inference. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum intensity is

(a)    25:1

(b)   6:4

(c)    9:4

(d)   3:2

Ans: 9:4

6. Joule-Second is the unit of ?

(a)    Work

(b)   Momentum

(c)    Pressure

(d)   Angular Momentum

Ans: Angular Momentum

7. A man pushes a wall and fails to displace it. He does

(a)    Negative work

(b)   Positive but not maximum work

(c)    No work at all

(d)   Maximum work

Ans: No work at all

8. A hollow sphere of copper is positively charged. Then the electric field inside the sphere is

(a)    The same is the field at the surface

(b)   Greater then the field at the surface

(c)    Less then the field at the surface

(d)   Zero

Ans: Zero

9. Absolute temperature caw be calculated by

(a)    Mean square velocity

(b)   Motion of the molecule

(c)    Mean square velocity and motion of the molecule both

(d)   None of the above

Ans: Mean square velocity

10. A convex lens of glass, has power P in air. If it is immersed in water, its power will be

(a)    More than P

(b)   Less than P

(c)    P

(d)   More than P for some colours and less than for other

Ans: Less than P

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 15th Nov 2021






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