MP PAT Previous Year Paper 16 May 2016 I Shift – Physics

Madhya Pradesh  Pre Agriculture Test Physics Paper 16 May 2016 I Shift


PAT16_16thMay16_9AM to 12PM_Slot1 – Physics
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Centre of mass is a point

(a)    Which  is geometric centre of a body

(b)   From which distance of particle are same

(c)    When the whole mass of the body is supposed to concentrated

(d)   None of these

Ans: When the whole mass of the body is supposed to concentrated

2. Angular momentum is

(a)    Scalar

(b)   A polar vector

(c)    An axial vector

(d)   None of these

Ans: An axial vector

3. If there is no atmosphere, the length of the day on the earth will

(a)    Decrease

(b)   Remain the same

(c)    Increase

(d)   Decrease or increase depending on the season

Ans: Decrease

4. A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experience

(a)    A force and torque

(b)   A force but not a torque

(c)    A torque not a force

(d)   Neither a force not torque

Ans: A force and torque

5. Swimming is possible on account of

(a)    First law of motion

(b)   Second law of motion

(c)    Third law of motion

(d)   Newton law of gravitation

Ans: Third law of motion

6. Magnetic lines of force

(a)    Always intersect

(b)   Are always closed

(c)    Tend to crowd for away from the polar of a magnet

(d)   Do not pass through vacuum

Ans: Are always closed

7. The value of surface tension of a liquid at critical temperature is

(a)    Zero

(b)   Infinite

(c)    Between Zero and Infinite

(d)   Can’t be determined

Ans: Zero

8. Which is constant for a satellite in the orbit?

(a)    Velocity

(b)   Angular momentum

(c)    Potential energy

(d)   Acceleration

Ans: Angular momentum

9. At what temperature density of water is maximum?

(a)    32°F

(b)   39°F

(c)    42°F

(d)   4°F

Ans: 39.2°F

10. On the Celsius scale the absolute zero of temperature is at

(a)    0°C

(b)   -32°C

(c)    100°C

(d)   -273.15°C

Ans: -273.15°C

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 17th Nov 2021






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