MP PAT Previous Year Paper 15 May 2016 Physics

Madhya Pradesh Pre Agriculture Test Paper 15 May 2016 Physics Slot 1


PAT16_15thMay16_9AM to 12PM_Slot1 – Agriculture Physics
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. If in air the speed of sound is 332 m/s then speed of sound in kmph will be

(a)    1.1952 kmph

(b)   11.952 kmph

(c)    119.52 kmph

(d)   1195.2 kmph

Ans: 1195.2 kmph

2. Heat flows as a result of difference of

(a)    Mass

(b)   Density

(c)    Temperature

(d)   Potential difference

Ans: Temperature

3. In P-type semiconductors majority charge carries are

(a)    Electrons

(b)   Holes

(c)    Neutrons

(d)   Protons

Ans: Holes

4. The speeds of 5 molecules of a gas (in arbitrary units) are as follows :

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 the route mean square speed for these molecules is:

(a)    2.9

(b)   3.52

(c)    4.00

(d)   4.24

Ans: 4.24

5. A white screen illuminated by green and red light appears to be

(a)    Green

(b)   Yellow

(c)    Red

(d)   White

Ans: Yellow

6. Capacitor is used for

(a)    A.C

(b)   D.C

(c)    A.C & D.C

(d)   None of these

Ans: A.C

7. If the steel bob of a simple pendulum is replace by a rubber bob then its time period will

(a)    Increase

(b)   Decrease

(c)    Remain the same

(d)   First increase then decrease

Ans: Remain the same

8. Barrier potential of a p-n junction diode does not depend on

(a)    Temperature

(b)   Forward bias

(c)    Doping density

(d)   Diode design

Ans: Diode design

9. The periodic time of communication satellite is

(a)    6 hours

(b)   12 hours

(c)    18 hours

(d)   24 hours

Ans: 24 hours

10. If the Kinetic energy of a body increases by 0.1%, then percentage increase in its momentum will be

(a)    0.05%

(b)   0.1%

(c)    1.0%

(d)   10%

Ans: 0.05%

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 20th Nov 2021






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