MCQ on Object Oriented Programming Using C++

Solapur University MCA (Semester-II) Paper on Object Oriented Programming Using C++ March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 When a language has the capability to produce new data type, it is called ________

(a)    Overloaded

(b)   Encapsulated

(c)    Extensible

(d)   Reprehensible

2 The preprocessor directive #include is required if _______

(a)    Console output is used

(b)   Console input is used

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   None of these

3 To use a template class member function, use the ______ with the instantiation

(a)    Scope resolution operator

(b)   Dot operator

(c)    Class definition

(d)   Keyword template

4 Data hiding is also known as ________

(a)    Data abstraction

(b)   Data encapsulation

(c)    Meta data

(d)   Data mining

5 If two types of errors may be thrown, you should write ____

(a)    No catch blocks

(b)   One catch block with two arguments

(c)    Two catch block-one with an argument, and one without

(d)   Two catch blocks with one argument each

6 Overloading involves writing two or more functions with _______

(a)    Different names and different argument lists

(b)   Different names and the same argument list

(c)    The same name and different argument lists

(d)   The same name and the same argument list

7 When the compiler places a copy of a small function’s statements directly into a program, the function is said to be _________

(a)    Overloaded

(b)   Inline

(c)    Redundant

(d)   None of these

8 How many types of polymorphisms are supported by C++?

(a)    1

(b)   2

(c)    3

(d)   4

9 Which of the following ways are legal to access a class data member using this pointer?

(a)    This->x

(b)   This.x

(c)    *this.x

(d)   *this-x

10 Which of the following statement is correct?

(a)    A constructor is called at the time of declaration of an object

(b)   A constructor is called at the time of use of an object

(c)    A constructor is called at the time of declaration of a class

(d)   A constructor is called at the time of use of class

11 Which of the following correctly describes overloading of functions?

(a)    Virtual polymorphism

(b)   Transient polymorphism

(c)    Ad-hoc polymorphism

(d)   Pseudo polymorphism

12 In C++, dynamic memory allocation is accomplished with the operator _______

(a)    New

(b)   This

(c)    Malloc

(d)   Delete

13 How can we make a class abstract?

(a)    By making all member functions constant

(b)   By making at least one member function as pure virtual function

(c)    By declaring it abstract using the static keyword

(d)   By declaring it abstract using the virtual keyword

 14 One way pointers are useful is to refer to a memory address that has no ___________

(a)    Name

(b)   Constant

(c)    Location

(d)   Field

  Published on 25th Sept 2021






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