Maharashtra Animal & Fisheries Science University Nagpur Previous Year Question Papers

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Veterinary Pharmacology – Paper – I – 2016-17


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Level of which hormone decreases following prolonged glucocorticoid therapy?

(a)    TSH

(b)   FSH

(c)    ACTH

(d)   LH

2. Which of the following is a plasma volume expander?

(a)    Dextran-40

(b)   Ringer lactate

(c)    25% Dextrose solution

(d)   None of these

3. Branch of Pharmacology which deals with the quantitative measurement of effects produced by the drug is known as _____

(a)    Pharmacometrics

(b)   Pharmacognosy

(c)    Pharmacokinetics

(d)   Metrology

4. Following reaction belongs to phase II reactions of biotransformation except _____

(a)    Methylation

(b)   Oxidative deamination

(c)    N-acetylation

(d)   Glucuronide conjugation

5. Which of the following is not an indication of Oxytocin?

(a)    Induction of labour

(b)   Involution of uterus

(c)    Arresting post – parturient hemorrhage

(d)   Increasing milk production

6. Which of the following drugs does act through Renin Angiotensin system?

(a)    Enalapril

(b)   Losartan

(c)    Spironolactone

(d)   Propranolol

7. Which of the statement is not correct regarding plasma protein-binding of drugs?

(a)    Plasma concentrations of free and bound drug are always in equilibrium

(b)   Drugs with high protein-binding generally have slower rate of excretion from the body

(c)    Highly plasma protein-bound drugs have higher volume of distribution

(d)   High degree of plasma-protein binding makes the drug long-acting.

8. Which of the following is not an antizymotic?

(a)    Turpentine oil

(b)   Poloxalene

(c)    Liquor formaldehyde

(d)   Activated charcoal

9. Route by which drug is administered into the subarachnoid space in the lumbar area of animal is called as _________ route.

(a)    Intrathecal

(b)   Intraarterial

(c)    Intramedullary

(d)   Intraperitoneal

10. The minimal dose that produces the maximal response is ____

(a)    Threshold dose

(b)   Effective dose

(c)    Ceiling dose

(d)   Graded dose

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 7th May 2022






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