MAFSU Nagpur Paper on Paper on Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology – Paper – I – 2015-16


Sr. No                                                               Questions with multiple options
1. Points in food production starting from raw state through processing and shipping to consumption at which potential hazard can be controlled or eliminated are _____

(a)    Critical hazard point

(b)   Critical analysis point

(c)    Critical control point

(d)   HACCP

2. Method of preservation of milk by which is shelf life is extended to few months is _____

(a)    Pasteurization

(b)   Refrigeration

(c)    Lactoperoxidase system

(d)   UHT treatment

3. According to BIS, Standard Plate Count (SPC) of less than 2 lakhs per ml of milk is considered to be ____

(a)    Very good

(b)   Good

(c)    Fair

(d)   Poor

4. Gerber test is a method of choice for detecting _____

(a)    Fat content of milk

(b)   Freezing point of milk

(c)    Specific gravity of milk

(d)   None of these

5. Colouring agents used for adulteration of milk are _____

(a)    Starch

(b)   Gelatin

(c)    Annatto

(d)   Sodium bicarbonate

6. Clot on boiling test is used for determining _____

(a)    Acidity in milk

(b)   Number of viable micro organisms in milk

(c)    Cleanliness of milk

(d)   None of these

7. Meat of calves which are exclusively fed on milk and slaughtered at the age of 2-4 months when they weigh about 70kg are ______

(a)    Veal

(b)   Barley beef

(c)    Bobby calves

(d)   None of these

8. Deposition of subcutaneous fat in flesh which is white soft and greasy consistency is a characteristic of ____

(a)    Mutton

(b)   Pork

(c)    Beef

(d)   Buffalo meat

9. Trichinosis is an important ________

(a)    Milk borne disease

(b)   Meat borne disease

(c)    None of these

(d)   Both a and b

10. Bacteria which is more important in cooked and ready to eat meat products and which can grow and multiply at low temperature is _____

(a)    Staphylococcus aureus

(b)   Campylobacter jejuni

(c)    Listeria monocytogenes

(d)   None of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 9th May 2022







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