MAFSU Nagpur BVSc 3rd Year Paper on Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology – Paper – I 2018-19

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology – Paper – I – 2018-19


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Cold sterilization of meat refers to

(a)    Drying

(b)   Canning

(c)    Irradiation

(d)   Freezing

2. The test used to detect neutralizers in milk is

(a)    Leech test

(b)   Rosalic acid test

(c)    Barfoed test

(d)   Alizarin test

3. The ante mortem judgment for fatigued food animals is

(a)    Emergency slaughter

(b)   Unfit for slaughter

(c)    Slaughter under special condition

(d)   Delayed slaughter

4. SPS agreement is governed by

(a)    OIE

(b)   WTO

(c)    WHO

(d)   FAO

5. An example of food borne intoxication is

(a)    Salmonella Typhimurium

(b)   Bacillus cereus

(c)    Shigella dysenteriae

(d)   Listeria monocytogenes

6. Test and slaughter policy is associated with the control of

(a)    FMD

(b)   Rinderpest

(c)    CBPP

(d)   Brucellosis

7. The concept of landscape epidemiology was developed by

(a)    William Farr

(b)   Pavlovsky

(c)    Audy

(d)   John Snow

8. An ecosystem that is created by man is known as

(a)    Autochthonous ecosystem

(b)   Synanthropic ecosystem

(c)    Anthropurgic ecosystem

(d)   Sympatric ecosystem

9. The property of an infectious agent which determines the severity of the clinical infection is termed as

(a)    Virulence

(b)   Antigenicity

(c)    Pathogenicity

(d)   Infectivity

10. ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology is at

(a)    Bangalore

(b)   Karnal

(c)    Chennai

(d)   New Delhi

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 6th May 2022







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