MAFSU Nagpur BVSc 3rd Year Paper 2013 on Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education I (course 321)

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education – Paper – I (course 321) – 2012-13

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Agent middlemen are ________

(a)    Retailers

(b)   Brokers and Commission agents

(c)    Brokers

(d)   None of these

2. Markets where the goods are bought and sold in bulk is called _____

(a)    Retail market

(b)   Wholesale market

(c)    Seasonal market

(d)   All of these

3. Total assets minus total liabilities gives the _____

(a)    Net profit

(b)   Net worth

(c)    Gross Income

(d)   None of these

4. Depreciation is decrease in value of _____

(a)    Raw materials

(b)   Assets

(c)    Output

(d)   All of these

5. C’s of credit are _____

(a)    Character

(b)   Capital

(c)    Capacity

(d)   All of these

6. Loans are classified into _____

(a)    Long term loan

(b)   Short term loan

(c)    Medium term loan

(d)   All of these

7. The slope of isoquant is _______

(a)    Marginal rate of product transformation

(b)   Marginal rate of factor substitution

(c)    Price ratio

(d)   All of these

8. Factors of production ____

(a)    Land

(b)   Labour

(c)    Capital

(d)   All of these

9. Want satisfying power of the commodity is called __

(a)    Value

(b)   Utility

(c)    Price

(d)   Wealth

10. The economic system which lacks the government controls and  central economic planning is _____

(a)    Mixed economy

(b)   Capitalist economy

(c)    Socialist economy

(d)   All of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 24th May 2022







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