MAFSU BVSc 3rd Year Paper on Paper 2017 on Veterinary Public Health & Extension Education I (course 321)

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Paper on Veterinary Public Health & Extension Education – Paper – I (course 321) – 2016-17


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. The process of creation of utilities and values is called ____

(a)    Distribution

(b)   Exchange

(c)    Consumption

(d)   Production

2. Demand changes with the change in ____

(a)    Price

(b)   Income

(c)    Test and preference

(d)   All of these

3. Which method is generally adopted in estimating short term demand?

(a)    Survey method

(b)   Statistical method

(c)    Regression method

(d)   Econometric method

4. Storage gives _______ utility.

(a)    Times

(b)   Form

(c)    Place

(d)   All of these

5. Place where goods are sold and bought in bulk quantities _____

(a)    Retail market

(b)   Wholesale market

(c)    Seasonal market

(d)   All of these

6. Exchange function is one of the following approaches _____

(a)    Functional approach

(b)   Institutional approach

(c)    Commodity approach

(d)   Decision making approach

7. Margin of safety ____

(a)    Output = Break even output

(b)   Output – Breakeven outpu

(c)    Output + Break even output

(d)   Break even output

8. A statement indicating the financial position of the farmer _____

(a)    Income statement

(b)   Balance sheet

(c)    Repayment schedule

(d)   Appreciation statement

9. An example of non-transferable goods is _____

(a)    Building

(b)   Intelligence

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

10. Management of human resources comprises of ____

(a)    Acquisition (getting the people)

(b)   Development (preparing the people)

(c)    Motivation (activating the people)

(d)   All of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 20th May 2022






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