MAFSU BVSc 3rd Year Paper 2016 on Livestock Products Technology I

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology – Paper – I – 2016-17

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. According to PFA rules (1976) milk fat percent in khoa should not be less than _____

(a)    20%

(b)   28%

(c)    30%

(d)   36%

2. Soft curd milk has a curd tension of less than ______

(a)    10g

(b)   15g

(c)    25g

(d)   35g

3. Specific gravity of skim milk ranges between ______

(a)    1.028 to 1.030

(b)   1.030 to 1.032

(c)    1.035 to 1.037

(d)   0.93 to 0.94

4. Which of the following is not a fraction of casein _____

(a)    Alpha

(b)   Beta

(c)    Gamma

(d)   Iota

5. Overrun in butter is due to ____

(a)    Moisture and curd

(b)   Lactose and fat

(c)    Protein and air

(d)   Air and fat

6. Titratable acidity of freshly drawn buffalo milk is ____

(a)    0.14-0.15

(b)   0.12-0.13

(c)    0.16-0.17

(d)   >0.18

7. Intensity of light required at Post-mortem inspection point is ____

(a)    540 lux

(b)   229 lux

(c)    110 lux

(d)   330 lux

8. Catgut is prepared from _____

(a)    Bone collagen

(b)   Urinary bladder

(c)    Shin bone

(d)   Intestine

9. The meat unfit for consumption in Jewish slaughter is _____

(a)    Kosher

(b)   Shomer

(c)    Terefa

(d)   Porged meat

10. The grading of pig carcass is done on basis of ____

(a)    Back fat thickness

(b)   Carcass length

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

11. The optimum concentration of CO2 in stunning of pig is about ____

(a)    10%

(b)   30%

(c)    50%

(d)   70%

12. Chitterlings are prepared from

(a)    Hog stomach

(b)   Hog intestine

(c)    Chicken intestine

(d)   Any of them

13. Organic meat production can ____

(a)    Improve animal welfare

(b)   Protect environment

(c)    Sustain rewarding rural life style

(d)   All of these

14. The commonly used frequencies in microwave cooking are ____

(a)    950 & 3450 MHz

(b)   915 & 2450 MHz

(c)    915 & 3000 MHz

(d)   950 & 2450 MHZ

15. Quantitatively the mineral deficient in lean meat is _____

(a)    Calcium

(b)   Phosphorus

(c)    Potassium

(d)   Iron

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 25th May 2022







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