MAFSU BVSc 3rd Year Paper 2015 on Livestock Products Technology (course 311)

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology (course 311) – 2014-15

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Wool grading is based on which of the following.

(a)    Blood system

(b)   Spinning count

(c)    Microns

(d)   All of these

2. Spinning count for fine wool is ____

(a)    Less than 36 hanks

(b)   54-60 hanks

(c)    More than 64 hanks

(d)   None of these

3. Process of chemical removal of the vegetable matter from wool is called ____

(a)    Carbonizing

(b)   Skirting

(c)    Flaying

(d)   Neutralizing

4. Casings are prepared from ____ layers of intestine.

(a)    Mucosal

(b)   Submucosal

(c)    Both a & b

(d)   None of these

5. The current Act, which describe the code of practice for fresh meat production in India is ____

(a)    MFPO

(b)   FSSAI

(c)    MMPO

(d)   PFA

6. Which of the following operation is absent in buffalo slaughter?

(a)    Flaying

(b)   Singeing

(c)    Dehairing

(d)   Both b and c

7. Normal bleeding time for pig is ____

(a)    1 min

(b)   2 min

(c)    5 min

(d)   15 min

8. Intensive of light required in the post mortem inspection area is ____

(a)    110 lux

(b)   220 lux

(c)    540 lux

(d)   1000 lux

9. How many adult pigs constitute one livestock unit (LSU)?

(a)    1

(b)   2

(c)    3

(d)   4

10. Which of the following term is more appropriate to Indian livestock production system?

(a)    Mass production by few

(b)   Production by masses

(c)    Both a & b

(d)   None of these

11. Average dressing percentage in case of pig carcass is ____

(a)    40%

(b)   50%

(c)    60%

(d)   70%

12. Which of the following is the largest consumed meat in the world?

(a)    Beef

(b)   Pork

(c)    Mutton

(d)   Venison

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 27th May 2022







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