MAFSU BVSc 3rd Year Paper 2014 on Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology I

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology – Paper – I (Course 311) – 2014-15


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Most common agent of tuberculosis in human is _______

(a)    M. bovis

(b)   M.zulgai

(c)    M. tuberculosis

(d)   None of these

2. Red colour change in milk is due to ______

(a)    Serratia marcescens

(b)   Yersinia spp.

(c)    Clostridium spp.

(d)   All of these

3. Undulant fever in human is caused by _____

(a)    Brucella abortus

(b)   Brucella melitensis

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

4. Clot on boiling test is used to detect __________

(a)    Adulterants in milk

(b)   Preservatives in milk

(c)    Freshness of milk

(d)   All of these

5. Test used in the laboratories for detection of formalin in milk is ______

(a)    Amidol test

(b)   Rosalic acid test

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

6. Marbling is predominantly seen in _____

(a)    Mutton

(b)   Chevon

(c)    Chicken

(d)   Carabeef

7. Any animal housing should provide _______

(a)    Readily accessible fresh water.

(b)   Adequate ventilation

(c)    Sufficient light for inspection purposes.

(d)   All of these

8. Captive bolt pistol is used for ____

(a)    Slaughter

(b)   Dressing

(c)    Stunning

(d)   Scalding

9. Meat is the richest source of _______

(a)    B- Vitamins

(b)   C- Vitamins

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

10. Antibiotic residues in livestock origin food products are undesirable due to _______

(a)    Development of residual strains of bacteria

(b)   Hypersensitivity in sensitized individuals

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 17th May 2022







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