MAFSU BVSc 3rd Year Paper 2014 on Livestock Products Technology I (course 311)

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology – I (course 311) – 2013-14

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. The calcium and phosphorus ratio in milk is _____

(a)    2:1

(b)   1:2

(c)    3:4

(d)   1:1

2. The energy value of milk fat is _____ Kcal/g.

(a)    4.1

(b)   9.3

(c)    3.9

(d)   9.0

3. The % PUFA in milk is _____

(a)    2

(b)   3

(c)    4

(d)   5

4. The specific gravity of lactose is ____

(a)    1.3

(b)   1.6

(c)    1.0

(d)   0.93

5. Sweetened condensed milk should contain not less than ______ % cane sugar.

(a)    20

(b)   30

(c)    40

(d)   50

6. Over run of butter is due to _____

(a)    Moisture

(b)   Salt

(c)    Curd

(d)   All of these

7. Butter is used in the manufacture of _____

(a)    Ice cream

(b)   Butter oil

(c)    Chee

(d)   All of these

8. The yield of Channa from cow milk is ____ percent.

(a)    10

(b)   16

(c)    22

(d)   25

9. The % FFA in Agmark green label ghee is not more than _____

(a)    0.5

(b)   1.0

(c)    1.5

(d)   2.5

10. The sweet prepared from dahi is _____

(a)    Burfi

(b)   Pantooa

(c)    Kalakand

(d)   None of these

11. The yield of Khoa from buffalo milk is ____ than cow milk.

(a)    More

(b)   Less

(c)    Equal

(d)   None of these

12. The per cent milk fat in commercial Ice cream is not less than ____ %

(a)    5

(b)   10

(c)    15

(d)   20

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 29th May 2022







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