MAFS University Nagpur BVSc 3rd Year Previous Question Paper

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology – Paper – II – 2018-19


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Meat unfit by Jewish law is called as _____

(a)    Terefa

(b)   Halal

(c)    Haram

(d)   Kosher

2. Omental fat is otherwise called as ______

(a)    Leaf fat

(b)   Technical fat

(c)    Caul fat

(d)   Skirt

3. During pithing in cattle, ______ is caused due to damage of greater splanchnic nerve.

(a)    Hernia

(b)   Cheesy heart

(c)    Thrombosis

(d)   Slaughter spleen

4. Casings prepared from small intestine of sheep are called _____

(a)    Weasand

(b)   Middles

(c)    Rounds

(d)   Bungs

5. The process of tanning of sheep skin with fish oil is popularly known as ____

(a)    Polishing

(b)   Shammoying

(c)    Lacquering

(d)   Embossing

6. DFD meat shows ______ rigor

(a)    Acidic

(b)   Alkaline

(c)    Thaw

(d)   None of the above

7. Cured meat colour is due to ____

(a)    Metmyoglobin

(b)   De-oxymyoglobin

(c)    Nitrosomyoglobin

(d)   Redox potential

8. Wet dog flavor is typical in _____

(a)    Irradiation

(b)   Moist cooking

(c)    Canning

(d)   Microwave cooking

9. Slaughter of dead animals is called as ___

(a)    Cold slaughter

(b)   Casualty slaughter

(c)    Emergency slaughter

(d)   Hot processing

10. The ideal time for conducting sensory evaluation of meat and meat products is ____

(a)    Late morning/Late afternoon

(b)   Early morning/Late afternoon

(c)    Early morning/Early afternoon

(d)   Late morning/Early afternoon

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 6th May 2022








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