LMRC Assistant Manager Operation S&T Previous Year Paper

LMRC Assistant Manager Operation Electrical Previous Year Paper | UPMRC Previous Year Paper


Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRCL) Assistant Manager  S&T Shift 2 Paper 13th May 2018

S.No. Question
1 For ideal current and voltage sources, the input resistances are _____, respectively.

(a)  Infinite and zero

(b) Finite and small

(c)  One and infinite

(d) Zero and infinite

Ans – (a)

2 Which of the following theorems states that in a linear bilateral network, the voltage and the current source sinks can be interchanged?

(a)  Norton theorem

(b) Superposition theorem

(c)  Reciprocity theorem

(d) Maximum power transfer theorem

Ans –(c)

3 The full form of SOI in case of IC fabrication is

(a)  Silicon on insulator

(b) Surface of insulator

(c)  Silicon on inductor

(d) Silicon of insulator

Ans –(a)

4 The drain current in MOSFET is varied by

(a)  Gate-to-source voltage

(b) Gate current

(c)  Source voltage

(d) Source-drain voltage

Ans – (a)

5 LSI chips have

(a)  Less than 10 components

(b) 10-100 components

(c)  100-1000 components

(d) More than 1000 components

Ans – (d)

6 Which of the following components CANNOT be fabricated on IC?

(a)  Resistor

(b) Transistor

(c)  Transformer

(d) Capacitor

Ans –(c)

7 Selectively removing unwanted material from the source of the wafer is referred to as

(a)  Lithography

(b) Oxidation

(c)  Etching

(d) Diffusion

Ans – (c)

8 Which is the final step in the wafer processing sequence?

(a)  Photolithography

(b) Oxidation

(c)  Metallization

(d) Diffusion

Ans – (c)

9 Efficiency of practically used solar cell is approximately

(a)  25%

(b) 15%

(c)  40%

(d) 60%

Ans – (b)

10 The dark current in a semiconductor photodiode is the

(a)  Forward bias current

(b) Forward saturation current

(c)  Reverse saturation current

(d) Transient current

Ans – (c)

11 Solar cell converts

(a)  Sound energy to electrical energy

(b) Electrical energy to mechanical energy

(c)  Solar energy to electrical energy

(d) Electrical energy to light energy

Ans –(c)

12 An example of trivalent impurity is

(a)  Aluminium

(b) Germanium

(c)  Barium

(d) Chlorine

Ans – (a)

13 The process of adding impurity to a pure semiconductor is called

(a)  Mixing

(b) Diffusion

(c)  Doping

(d) Ionization

Ans –(c)

14 The gain of MOSFET amplifier reduces at high frequency due to

(a)  Coupling capacitors

(b) Parasitic capacitors

(c)  Bypass capacitors

(d) Oxide capacitors

Ans –(b)

15 Which of the following numbers of RC circuits will NOT produce oscillations in an R-C phase shift oscillator?

(a)  5

(b) 2

(c)  3

(d) 4

Ans – (b)

16 If HPF and LPF are of first order then BPF will have a roll-off rate of?

(a)  -40 db/decade

(b) -20 db/decade

(c)  20 db/decade

(d) 40 db/decade

Ans – (b)

17 A power supply has full load voltage of 24 V. The value of its no load voltage for 5% regulation is

(a)  12 V

(b) 23 V

(c)  25.2 V

(d) 6 V

Ans – (c)

18 A positive half wave rectifier is a

(a)  Positive clipper

(b) Negative clipper

(c)  Negative clamper

(d) Positive clamper

Ans – (b)

19 For a full wave rectifier, if the peak voltage applied is 3.14 V, then the average value of voltage at output is

(a)  1 V

(b) 0.5 V

(c)  2 V

(d) 0.25 V

Ans – (c)

20 Voltage-to-current converter is also referred to as

(a)  Trans resistance amplifier

(b) Trans conductance amplifier

(c)  Resistance amplifier

(d) Conductance amplifier

Ans – (b)

21 Which amplifier circuit can be used as a current buffer circuit?

(a)  CB

(b) CC

(c)  CE

(d) FET

Ans –(a)

22 The voltage gains of an amplifier without feedback and with negative feedback are 100 and 20, respectively. The percentage of negative feedback is

(a)  4%

(b) 2%

(c)  5%

(d) 8%

Ans – (a)

23 The 3 dB cut-off frequency of a DC amplifier is 5 MHz. Its rise time is

(a)  350 ns

(b) 70 ns

(c)  200 ns

(d) 35 ns

Ans – (b)

24 Excess-3 code for decimal number 7 is

(a)  1110

(b) 1010

(c)  1011

(d) 1100

Ans – (b)

25 How many entries are there on a four-variable K-map?

(a)  16

(b) 4

(c)  8

(d) 2

Ans – (a)








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