LMRC Assistant Manager Information Technology Previous Year Paper

LMRC Assistant Manager IT Previous Year Paper | UPMRC Previous Year Paper


Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRCL) Assistant Manager IT 12th May 20218 Paper Shift 2

S.No. Question
1 What is the minimum number of NAND gates required to get the function of an OR gate?

(a)  1

(b) 2

(c)  3

(d) 4

Ans –(c)

2 A NAND gate is equivalent to a/an ____ gate

(a)  Inverted –input OR

(b) Inverted – input AND

(c)  XOR

(d) XNOR

Ans – (a)

3 Two NOT gates in series are equivalent to a/an ______, because they cancel each other as (A’)’=A

(a)  Inverter

(b) Buffer

(c)  NAND gate

(d) NOR

Ans – (b)

4 Which of the following logic gates has the following Truth Table?

X Y Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1


(a)  NAND

(b) NOR

(c)  XOR

(d) XNOR

Ans- (d)

5 What is the 10’s compliment of the decimal number 246700?

(a)  753299

(b) 864399

(c)  753300

(d) 999900

Ans –(c)

4 Which of the following is valid for Boolean algebra but NOT  for ordinary algebra?

(a)  X.(Y+Z) = (X.Y) + (X.Z)

(b) X+(Y.Z) = (X+Y). (X+Z)

(c)  X + Y = Y + X

(d) X.Y = Y.X

Ans –(b)

5 State whether True or False

(I)               An  AND gate is equivalent to an inverted –input NOR gate

(II)            An OR gate is equivalent to an inverted-input NAND gate

(a)  I-Ture, II-Ture

(b) I-True, II-False

(c)  I-False, II- True

(d) I-False, II – False

Ans- (a)

6 The register addressing is similar to the _____ addressing, except the fact that the address field refers to a register rather than a main memory address

(a)  Direct

(b) Indirect

(c)  Immediate

(d) Displacement

Ans –(a)

7 In the context of an instruction set, orthogonality indicates that other element of an instruction are ____ of/by the opcode.

(a)  Independent

(b) Dependent

(c)  Determined

(d) Executed

Ans – (a)

8 For main memory, the unit of transfer is the number of ______ read out of or written into memory at a time.

(a)  Words

(b) Bits

(c)  Nibbles

(d) Characters

Ans – (b)

9 Which of the following memory access mechanisms enables to retrieve a word based on a portion of its contents, rather than its address?

(a)  Direct access

(b) Sequential access

(c)  Random access

(d) Associative

Ans –(d)

10 Which of the following memory needs periodic refreshing?

(a)  SRAM

(b) DRAM

(c)  Cache memory

(d) Flash memory

Ans – (b)

11 The process in which the DMA controller puts the CPU on hold for each byte of data to be transferred is called _____

(a)  Page-fault

(b) Cycle stealing

(c)  Buffering

(d) Paging

Ans –(b)

12 Like EPROM, flash memory uses only _____ transistor(s) per bit, and so achieves the high density (compared with EEPROM) of EPROM.

(a)  One

(b) Two

(c)  Three

(d) Four

Ans –(a)

13 A _____ is an ordered collection of finite, homogeneous data elements.

(a)  Linked list

(b) Graph

(c)  Tree

(d) Hash table

Ans – (a)

14 Which of the following programming languages supports the concept of pointer?

(a)  BASIC


(c)  C++

(d) JAVA

Ans –(c)

15 What is the value of the following ‘C’ language expression? 1024/128/4/2

(a)  16

(b) 1

(c)  32

(d) 64

Ans –(b)

16 Which of the following data structures is generally used to implement priority queue?

(a)  Heap tree

(b) Graph

(c)  Stack

(d) Table

Ans –(a)

17 In which of the following data structures, both insertion and deletion operations can take place at either end of the structure?

(a)  Deque

(b) Priority queue

(c)  Stack

(d) Queue

Ans –(a)

18 What is the associativity of the arithmetic operators?

(a)  Left-to-Right

(b) Top-to-Bottom

(c)  Right-to-Left

(d) Bottom-to-Top


19 Which of the following is NOT a valid storage class in ‘C’ language?

(a)  Static

(b) Dynamic

(c)  Register

(d) Auto


20 Considering the size of char (character) variable as one byte, what will be the size of the array declared below?

(a)  11 Bytes

(b) 8 Bytes

(c)  20 Bytes

(d) 21 Bytes

Ans –(d)

21 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(a)  In a binary tree, each node must have at least one child node.

(b) In a binary tree, a node cannot have single child node

(c)  A binary tree must have at least one node with two child nodes

(d) In a binary tree, a node can have at most two child nodes.

Ans –(d)

22 What is the order of the adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph with ‘n’ nodes and ‘m’ edges?

(a)  n x m

(b) n x n

(c)  m x m

(d) n x 2 m

Ans –(b)

23 What is the best-case time complexity of the Linear search?

(a)  O(n)

(b) O(1)

(c)  O(n log n)

(d) O(nxn)

Ans – (b)

24 Which of the following is NOT a comparison sort?

(a)  Insertion sort

(b) Bubble sort

(c)  Bucket sort

(d) Selection sort

Ans –(c)

25 Shell sort is an example of _____

(a)  Out-place, comparison sort

(b) In-place, non-comparison sort

(c)  In-place, comparison sort

(d) Out-place, non-comparison sort

Ans –(c)

26 Which of following problems cannot be solved using greedy approach?

(a)  Minimum spanning tree problem

(b) Single source shortest path problem

(c)  Huffman code problem

(d) 0-1 knapsack problem

Ans – (d)

27 A finite automata is defined as a ______

(a)  3-Tuple

(b) 4-Tuple

(c)  5-Tuple

(d) 6-Tuple

Ans –(c)

28 If A and B are regular languages, then AUB is a ____ language.

(a)  Regular

(b) Non-regular

(c)  Finite

(d) Natural


29 A language is said to be ____if it can be recognized by an NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automation)

(a)  Regular

(b) Non-regular

(c)  Non-formal

(d) Natural


30 Which of the following is strictly more powerful than regular expression?

(a)  Nondeterministic Finite Automation (NFA)

(b) Context-free grammar

(c)  DFA

(d) Recursive function

Ans –(b)








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