Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Lab Technician GK Paper 2015

Lab Technician Vyapam Paper 2015 – General Knowledge

Madhya Pradesh was formed on the recommendation of
(a) Pandit Nehru
(b) Sardar Patel
(c) State REorganization Commission
(d) State Disintegration Commission


Mark the correct statement about freedom fighters from Madhya Pradesh?
(a) Kunwar Chain Singh was the first martyr of battle of freedon
(b) Rani Avanti Bai of Ramgarh, fought among Madhla army
(c) Sindhiya of Gwalior and Nawab of Bhopal fought against British during 1857
(d) All of the above


Pranahita is famous as
(a) A waterfall in Jabalpur
(b) Power project on the Chambal River
(c) Junction of Warddha and waniganga rivers
(d) Old name of kshipra river


Madhya Pradesh Nagar Palika Nigam Act 1944 was passed to enforce?
(a) 73rd constitutional amendment act
(b) 74th constitutional amendment act
(c) To promote girl’s education 72nd constitutional amendment act
(d) None of these


Laadli Lakshmi Scheme benefits are
(a) Limited to 2 girl childern only
(b) Limited to 3 girl childern only
(c) Limited to 1 girl childern only
(d) Limited to 4 girl childern only


Madhya Pradesh’s first Wildlife Awareness Centre is at
(a) Chhindwara
(b) Ralamandal, Indore
(c) Bohani, Narshingpur
(d) Khamariya Jabalpur


What are the features of the Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station?
(1) Stationed at Vindhya Nagar, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh
(2) It comes under Super Thermal Power stations series
(3) Manufactured by NTPC
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, d and 3


Mark the correct statement about the Governor of a state
(1) He is appointed by the President of India
(2) Current Governor of MP is Mr. Ram Naresh Yadav (in year 2015)
(3) Minimum age of qualification is 35 years
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3


Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved intrastate Transmission System in 7 states. Which of these states comes under this?
(a) Assam
(b) Madhya Praesh
(c) Kerala
(d) Manipur


Rakesh Sahni has been appointed as the Chairman of ? (In Year 2015)
(a) MP Electricity Regulatory Commission
(b) B.H.E.L
(c) Narmada Valley Development Authority
(d) NTPC







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