Kerala PSC Network Administrator Syllabus

Network Administrator PSC Syllabus – Kerala Administrative Tribunal


If you had already been applied for Network Administrator post in Kerala Public Service Commission for Kerala Administrative Tribunal and search the syllabus and exam pattern. Then you are at right place. Here, our team is providing the detailed syllabus for Kerala PSC Network Administrator post along with the objective questions link of specified topic. You must go through the Multiple Choice Objective questions on concern topic so that you will have an idea about the types of question.


Topic Content
Computer Organization (10 Marks) Functional units of Computer.

I/O devices- Interrupt – direct memory access – bus organization – interface circuits – standard I/O interfaces (PCI Express, SCSI, USB, SATA)

Processing Unit – microprocessor, microcontroller

Operating System (10 Marks) Basic concepts of Operating System, OS used in different computing environments.

Inter-process communication – Shared Memory, Message Passing, Pipes.

Storage Management – Disk Structure – accessing disks- disk scheduling and management- swap space. RAID

File Concepts – attributes- operations – types – structure – access methods. File system mounting.

Protection – principles . Access Matrix.

Linux basic commands – redirection, pipes, filters, job control, file permissions. Links

Shell script programming, grep, curl, wget, fip, ssh

Kernel configuration, compilation and installation.

Virtualization environments.

Database Management Systems (10 Marks) Types of data and DBMS Relational Model – concepts and languages, SQL, views, assertions and triggers. Secondary storage organization, concurrent transaction processing and recovery principles, logs, checkpoints.

Semantic web, RDF, GIS, NoSQL, Big Data

Data Communication ( 10 Marks) Transmission media. Guided transmission media : twisted pair, Coaxial cable, optical fiber, Wireless transmission, terrestrial microwave, satellite microwave.

Digital carrier system, SONET/SDH, statistical time division multiplexing, cable modem, code division multiplexing, Multiple access – CDMA

Basic principles of switching – circuit switched networks, packet switching. Datagram networks, Virutal Circuit network

Web Technologies ( 10 marks) Internet and world wide web, HTML and XHTML- basic text markup, images, hypertext links, lists, tables, forms, HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets. Frameworks.

World Wide Web – web browsers, web servers, Uniform Resource Locators, Hypertext Transfer  Protocol. Content Management System.

Java Script – Object orientation, primitives, operations, control statements, object creation and modification, arrays, functions. Java Script, HTML DOM.

Introduction to data interchange formats. XML – syntax, XML document structure, namespaces, XML schemas. Displaying XML documents with CCS, XSLT style sheets. XML applications.

JSON – overview, syntax, datatypes, objects, schema, comparison with XML.

Overview of PHP. Simple applications like login forms after setting up a LAMP stack.

Computer Networks I (10 marks) Network hardware – LAN-MAN-WAN, Internet –network software – protocol hierarchies – reference models – OSI-TCP/IP.

Data link layer design issues – flow control and ARQ techniques. Data link protocols – HDLC, PPP. MAC sub layer- IEEE 802 for LANs. High speed LANs – Gigabit Ethernet. Wireless LANs- 802.11 standards.

Network hardware devices (Hub, Switch, Modem, Router, Bridge, Repeaters, Firewall)

Network Layer – routing – shortest path routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, RIP, OSPF.

Congestion control algorithms – QoS. Internetworking – network layer in internet. IPv4- IP Ad- dressing – subnetting, supernetting.

Computer Network II ( 10 marks) Internet control protocols – ACMP, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, Internet multicasting – IGMP. Exterior routing protocols – BGP. IPv6 – addressing – issues

Transport Layer – TCP & UDP

Application layer – FTP, DNs, electronic mail, MIME< SNMP

Computer Networks III (10 marks) Network configurations files and networking commands

Spanning tree protocol

Managing traffic with Access Lists


Client – Server communication using socket programming

Configuring network services – TELNET, SSH, FTP server, web server, file server, DHCP server and DNS server

Network Management ( 10 marks) Network Administration. Managing hardware devices & drivers, user accounts, Managing network protocols & services

Installing & Configuring Active Directory Service, Managing Active Directory security solutions.

Managing desktop configurations using group policy and remote installation

Advanced file systems

Network Security (10 Marks) Network Security fundamentals. Security policy, Risk analysis

Firewalls – Types of firewalls, application layer firewalls, packet filtering firewalls.

Monitoring traffic and open ports, detecting modified files, investigating and verifying detected intrusions, Recovering from, reporting and documenting instructions.

Intrusion detection and prevention.

Types of instrusion prevention Systems. Setting up and managing IPS

Virtual Private Networks, managing VPNs


Data Collected by K. Jeyanthi
Published On 26th Sept 2022








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