HPSSSC Junior Scale Stenographer on contract basis paper – Questions on Constitution

HPSSSC Junior Scale Stenographer on contract basis paper – Questions on Constitution

Which schedule of Constitution of India contains special provisions for the adminsitration and control of scheduled areas in serveral states ?
(a) Third
(b) Fifth
(c) Seventh
(d) Ninth

Civil equality implies
(a) Equality before law
(b) Equality of opportunity
(c) Equal distribution of wealth
(d) Equal right to participate in the affairs of the state

Which of the following is NOT a foundamental duty ?
(a) To respect the National Anthem
(b) To safeguard public property
(c) To protect monuments and places of public importance
(d) To protect and improve the natural environment

Which of the following Vice-Presidents was not appointed as President of the country ?
(a) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(b) Krishankant
(c) R. Venkatraman
(d) M. Hidayatullah

Which non-member can participate in the business of either House of Parliament ?
(a) The Vice President
(b) The Solicitor General
(c) The Attorney General
(d) The Chief Justice of India

Who decides dispute regarding disqualification of Members of Parliament ?
(a) The President
(b) The Election Commission
(c) The President in consultation with the Election Commission
(d) None of these

The quorum of Rajya Sabha is
(a) 1/5 th of the total membership
(b) 1/6 th of the total membership
(c) 1/10th of the total membership
(d) None of these

Which one of the following offices is held during the pleasure of the President of India ?
(a) Vice President
(b) Cheif Justice of India
(c) Governor of a State
(d) Chairman of UPSC






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