HPCL Operations Technician Syllabus

HPCL Visakhapatnam Refinary Operations Technician Syllabus
Syllabus for Technical/ Professional Knowledge – Operations Technician

Chemical Reaction Engineering – Reactor Types, Performance, Industry Applications.
Fluid Mechanics –
(a) Pumps-Mechanism-Types-Industry-Applications
(b) Pumps – Operation – Trouble Shooting
(c) Performance Characteristics of pumps
(d) Losses, Cavitation & Priming in pumps
(e) Compressor – Mechanism – Types – Industry – Applications
(f) Compressor – Operation – Trouble shooting
(g) Valves- Mechanism – Types – Industry Applications
(h) Fans- Mechanism – Types – Industry Applications

Heat Transfer
(a) Heat Exchanger – Energy Balance – Types – Applications
(b) Performance Equations – LMTD – Overall HTC
(c) Fouling Factor – Coorection charts
(d) Basic Construction of shell and Tube heat exchanger

Mass Transfer
(a) Distillation Column – Types – Trays – Reflux
(b) Cooling Tower- Types – Operation – Industry Applications

Process Instrumentation
(a) Pressure – Units – Types – Measurement
(b) Vacuum Measurement
(c) Temperature Measurement – scales – Thermometers
(d) Thermocouples, Pyrometers, transmitters
(e) Flow Measurement – types of flowmeters- applications
(f) Principle & working of flow meters
(g) Level Measurement – types – Industry Applications
(h) Principle & working of level meters

Mechanical Operations
(a) Filtration – Filter Medium – Filter Aids
(b) Types of Filtration Equipments

Mechanical Engineering
(a) Steam Turbines – Operation – Types – Industry Applications

Industrial Safety
(a) Plant Safety – Safe Operation Procedures – Codes – PPE
(b) Accident Causes & Prevention – Exposure Evluation
(c) Emergency planning, MSDS

Unit Operation
(a) Stoichimetric Calculation – Medium
(b) Evaporation – Low
(c) Distillation – High

Plant Utilities
(a) Water – steam
(b) Energy Efficiency – pumps, valves, Reactors
(c) Energy Efficiency – Heat Exchangers, Columns, Cooling Towers






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