HPCL Boiler Technician Syllabus

HPCL Boiler Technician Syllabus | Syllabus for Technical/ Professional Knowledge – Boiler Technician HPCL Exam

Foundation Engineering for Boiler Operations
(a) Thermodynamics and heat transfer
(b) Properties of steam
(c) Boiler Feed water Chemistry

Introduction to Boilers
(a) Boiler Classifications
(b) Fuel Handling Systems

Air, Fuel, Feed Water, Steam and Flue Gas Systems
(a) ID and FD fans
(b) Pumps, Economizer, and Feed water path
(c) Super heater and temperature control
(d) Flue gas path

Ash Handling Systems
(a) Different ash handling systems
(b) Ash separation systems

Boiler Operations
(a) Start up and shut down
(b) Abnormal Operating conditions and emergency situations
(c) Inspection

Pipes, Tubes and Fittings
(a) Types, specification, fittings
(b) Valves and strainers

Steam Turbines
(a) Types and components
(b) Auxiliary systems
(c) Operations
(d) Generators

Commissioning and maintenance of power plant
(a) Commissioning
(b) Maintenance

Control and Instrumentation
(a) Measurements
(b) Controls

(a) Environment, Safety and health






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