GCC TBC 30 WPM Batch 405 Jan 2019 English Paper

Maharashtra – state Council of Education – Pune – GCC – TBC 30-WPM – Batch – 405 – 09Jan – 2019 – English

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. 1 MB = ______

(a)    100 Bytes

(b)   1024 KB

(c)    1000 Bytes

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

2. A Internet is a combination of _______

(a)    Website

(b)   Sub network

(c)    Pictures

(d)   Protocol

Ans: a

3. Which are the applications of Internet?

(a)    Communication

(b)   Online Shopping

(c)    Netbanking

(d)   All of these

Ans: d

4. What you actually need to see the web page on the internet?

(a)    Browser

(b)   Server

(c)    Client

(d)   Home page

Ans: a

5. Name forerunner of Internet

(a)    Microsoft

(b)   Google

(c)    ARPANET

(d)   NSFNET

Ans: c

6. The border thickness can be given by the option ‘_____’

(a)    Length

(b)   Height

(c)    Width

(d)   None of these

Ans: c

7. In MS word, What option is not available on the insert Ribbon Command?

(a)    Shapes

(b)   Clip Art

(c)    Page Numbers

(d)   Thesaurus

Ans: d

8. _______ group of insert ribbon you can create Smart Art Graphics.

(a)    Illustrations

(b)   Pages

(c)    Link

(d)   Table

Ans: a

9. We can create document by using _____

(a)    Excel powerpoint

(b)   Word processor

(c)    Windows

Ans: c

10. We can set size for a page in ______ tab in MS Word 2010.

(a)    Page Layout

(b)   Mailing

(c)    Spelling

(d)   Table

Ans: a

11. Where the Fill color option is available in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Home tab

(b)   Data tab

(c)    Insert tab

(d)   Page layout tab

Ans: a

12. Where you find the option to add hyperlink in a cell in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Insert tab

(b)   Add tab

(c)    Link tab

(d)   Embed tab

Ans: a

13. What is not the option of font group in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Bold

(b)   Italic

(c)    Clear

(d)   Fill color

Ans: c

14. To insert a row in MS Excel 2010 worksheet add tab row option is used

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

15. In MS Excel 2010 what is keyboard shortcut to save workbook?

(a)    Ctrl + Y

(b)   Ctrl + V

(c)    Ctrl + Z

(d)   Ctrl + S

Ans: d

16. In PowerPoint Slide Master option is available in _______ tab.

(a)    Home

(b)   Insert

(c)    View

(d)   Review

Ans: c

17. ________ is available only in PowerPoint.

(a)    Slide Show

(b)   Window

(c)    View

(d)   Format

Ans: a

18. To give number to each slide use ______ command in Insert Menu – Text group.

(a)    Slide Numbers

(b)   Page Numbers

(c)    Date & Time

(d)   Object

Ans: a

19. You can hide background of a slide through which group

(a)    Color

(b)   Images

(c)    Edit

(d)   Background

Ans: d

20. Transitions can be applied to each _______

(a)    Object

(b)   Text

(c)    Slide

(d)   All of these

Ans: c

21. A File download means moves a copy of file on local host to remote host.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

22. In Windows 7, filename and extension are separated by a ______ character.

(a)    Hash (#)

(b)   Asterisk (*)

(c)    Dot (.)

(d)   Comma (,)

Ans: c

23. _______ means set of instructions given to the computer.

(a)    Software

(b)   Hardware

(c)    Program

(d)   Process

Ans: c

24. In Windows 7 F5 key is used to display help.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

25. _____ means respond to received mail.

(a)    Forward

(b)   Compose

(c)    Delete

(d)   Reply

Ans: d

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 27th Dec 2021






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