GCC TBC 30 WPM Batch 403 Jan 2019 English Paper

Maharashtra – state Council of Education – Pune – GCC – TBC 30-WPM – Batch – 403 – 09Jan – 2019 – English

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Fifth generation of computer introduced _____

(a)    Vaccum Tube

(b)   Transistors

(c)    Artificial Intellegence

(d)   Microprocessors

Ans: c

2. Speed is one of the characteristics of computer.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: a

3. Last part is Email Address is _____

(a)    Domain Name

(b)   Domain code

(c)    Domain Address

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

4. _____ Replaced vaccum tubes

(a)    Transistors

(b)   Integrated Circuits

(c)    Microprocessors

(d)   None of these

Ans: a

5. Flash drive and ROM are some

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

6. Page Nos., Dates etc. related information displayed in _____

(a)    Margins

(b)   Header/Footer

(c)    Page breaks

Ans: B

7. MS-Word has facility of ‘Word _____’

(a)    Insert

(b)   Wrap

(c)    Delete

(d)   Swap

Ans: b

8. _____ is the shortcut key to display field codes?

(a)    Alt + F9

(b)   Ctrl + F9

(c)    Shift + F9

(d)   Swap

Ans: b

9. To create a new file click to the ________ option in file menu.

(a)    Open

(b)   Save

(c)    Save As

(d)   New

Ans: d

10. If you insert picture in a word document _______ resize handles appear

(a)    8

(b)   4

(c)    5

(d)   6

Ans: a

11. Where you find the option clear print area in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    Page layout tab

(b)   Insert tab

(c)    Home tab

(d)   View tab

Ans: a

12. In Worksheet the Heading of last Column is ____

(a)    XFD

(b)   ZFD

(c)    ZZZ

(d)   ZXY

Ans: a

13. In Excel, ________ is present by default.

(a)    Border

(b)   Gridlines

(c)    Graph

(d)   Filter

Ans: b

14. To open a new worksheet file _____ command is used.

(a)    Open

(b)   New

(c)    Sheet

(d)   Blank

Ans: b

15. Which is a correct answer for =round (123.44,1) in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    123.4

(b)   123.6

(c)    123.45

(d)   123

Ans: a

16. Use ______ function key to run slide show

(a)    F2

(b)   F7

(c)    F10

(d)   F5

Ans: d

17. Shortcut Key for copying a text in Power Point is ____

(a)    Ctrl + A

(b)   Ctrl + V

(c)    Ctrl + C

(d)   Ctrl + D

Ans: c

18. ______ view is useful to create a slide

(a)    Outline

(b)   Normal

(c)    Print Layout

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

19. Header and Footer option are given in _____ tab.

(a)    Insert

(b)   Window slide show

(c)    Format

Ans: a

20. In Ms Power Point 2010 under view tab Window group contain ____

(a)    Arrange All

(b)   Casecade

(c)    Move Split

(d)   All of these a

Ans: c

21. Password is shown in ____ on the screen.

(a)    Black Dots

(b)   Red Line

(c)    Green Line

(d)   Blue Dots

Ans: a

22. With ____ System we can convert human voice in telephone signals

(a)    Voice-messaging

(b)   Scanner

(c)    Fax

(d)   Printer

Ans: a

23. Speed of reading and writing in magnetic disk is very high.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: a

24. We can write information in ROM

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

25. PDF files can be edited.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 25th Dec 2021







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