DSSSB TGT Urdu 2014 Paper on General English

यदि आप DSSSB Delhi द्वारा आयोजित टी जी टी (Trained Graduate Teacher ) एग्जाम 2022 में appear होने जा रहे हो तो आपको DSSSB Trained Graduate Teacher Previous Year Question Paper को refer करना चाहिए। ताकि आपको DSSSB TGT Exam Pattern की जानकारी हो सके और आप उस अनुसार परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सके। इसलिए हमारी टीम ने यहाँ DSSSB Trained Graduate Teacher Exam का पिछले वर्षों में से एक पेपर आपके लिए प्रस्तुत किया है।

DSSSB Delhi Trained Graduate Teacher Urdu 2014 Paper on General English

DSSSB – TGT – Urdu – 2014 – Test of Language : English
1. Directions (1 – 3): In the following questions, four alternatives are given for idioms/phrases in capitals. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase given in capitals.

The two women are jealous that AT The DROP OF A HAT they start insulting each other

(a)    When a hat falls

(b)   When every one drops a hat

(c)    For no reason at all

(d)   On every occasion

2. Ravana was so interested in getting Sita that he did not mind whether he got her BY FAIR MEANS OF FOUL

(a)    In any way, honest or dishonest

(b)   Without difficulty

(c)    Without using common sense

(d)   Having been instigated

3.  Without realizing that he was getting himself INTO DEEP WATER, Deepak accepted all the assignments that were offered to him.

(a)    In difficulties

(b)   Looking lucrative

(c)    Seemingly easy

(d)   Bright career

4. Directions (4 and 5): Choose word or phrase which is most nearly the same in meaning to the key word.


(a)    Behavior

(b)   Ambition

(c)    Height

(d)   Position

5. Plunder

(a)    Give up meekly

(b)   Take away forcibly

(c)    Attack furiously

(d)   Make serious mistake

6. Directions (6 -9): From the four alternatives suggested for each question, choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank.

There is an exception ___ every rule.

(a)    For

(b)   In

(c)    To

(d)   On

7. As the news of the natural _____ spread, offers of relief poured in.

(a)    Calamity

(b)   Misery

(c)    Collapse

(d)   Misfortune

8. The doctor ____ the patient from taking certain medicines.

(a)    Prescribed

(b)   Proscribed

(c)    Banned

(d)   Prohibited

9. There is a wide spread ______ against the management over the way they have ignored the worker’s demands.

(a)    Feeling

(b)   Sentiment

(c)    Resentment

(d)   Sadness

10. Find the missspelt word.

(a)    Breathless

(b)   Breakage

(c)    Briliance

(d)   Brevity

Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
Published On – 23rd Dec 2021






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