DSSSB Primary Teacher Arithmetic Paper 2013

DSSSB Primary School Teacher 2013 Paper – Arithmetical and Numerical Ability

40% of 180 + 20% of 150 = ?% of 340
(a) 170
(b) 60
(c) 30
(d) 20

When the price of TV set was increased by 30%, the number of TV sets sold decreased by 20%. What was the effect on the sales?
(a) 8% decrease
(b) 8% increase
(c) 4% decrease
(d) 4% increase

16 workers by working 6 hours per day take 26 days to cmplete a job. 13 workers by working 8 hours per day take howm many days to complete the same job ?
(a) 24 days
(b) 20 days
(c) 28 days
(d) 25 days

Jagmohan, Rupalal and Pandeji hire a video set for a week for Rs 350. If they used it for a total of 6 hours, 10 hours and 12 hours respectively, how much of the rental should Pandeji pay ?
(a) Rs.75
(b) Rs.150
(c) Rs. 125
(d) Rs. 100

Each passenger in a transport bus contributed as many rupees as the number of passengers in the bus towards accident relief fund. The conductor contributed Rs.49 to make the total collection of Rs.625. How many passengers were there in the bus ?
(a) 7
(b) 20
(c) 24
(d) 25

The inrerest on a certain deposit at 9% per annum is Rs.405 in one year. How much will the additional interest in one year be on the same deposit at 10% per annum ?
(a) Rs.40.50
(b) Rs.450
(c) Rs.855
(d) Rs.45

A Fan was sold at 2% loss. If the same was sold for Rs.70 more, there would have been 5% porfit. What was its cost price?
(a) Rs.560
(b) Rs.1,000
(c) Rs.700
(d) Rs.800

By how much is two thirds of 48 lesser than three fourths of 96 ?
(a) 50
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 48

Kamala got married six years ago and her present age is `1 1/4 times her age at the time of her marriage. Age of her son is 10% of her present age. What is her age ?
(a) 3 Years
(b) 4 Years
(c) 2 Years
(d) 5 Years

How many diagonals can be drawn in a decagon ?
(a) 55
(b) 45
(c) 35
(d) 25





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