DSSSB Nurse Paper 2013 – Test of Language : English

DSSSB Delhi Nurse Question Paper English 2013

The word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘Charitable’ is ____
(a) generous
(b) selfish
(c) merciful to others
(d) benevolent

Direction: Find out which part of the below given sentence has an error. If there is no error, mark your answer as (D).

I was about to start my car (A)/When I cound (B)/that there is no petrol in it.(C)/No error(D)

One word which can substitute “One who believes in God” is _______
(a) Secularist
(b) agnostic
(c) theist
(d) atheist

Out of these four words, the correctly spelt word is _____
(a) foreigner
(b) foreiner
(c) forienor
(d) foriegner

Few could understand Vimals’s mental _________ when her husband died.
(a) health
(b) feelings
(c) thought
(d) balance

Plural form of radius is _____
(a) roudies
(b) radios
(c) radii
(d) radiuses

Past tense of the verb ‘Strike’ is ______
(a) striked
(b) struck
(c) stroke
(d) struk

The thieves were caught by the police as they were trying to GET AWAY WITH the looted money.
The alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom capitalised the above sentence is _____
(a) to dispose of
(b) to buy
(c) to play foul
(d) to escape

Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate alternative given below each question.

As the driver swerved violently at the turning, the wheel came off as it was already____
(a) luse
(b) lose
(c) loose
(d) loos

I congratulated him _______ his success.
(a) for
(b) on
(c) to
(d) by

The meaning of dornicile is ______
(a) dwelling place
(b) bicycle
(c) domination
(d) delete






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