DSSSB Delhi PGT Geography Question Paper 2014 on Reasoning Ability

DSSSB PGT Geography Previous Year Paper 2014 on General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability

यदि आप DSSSB Delhi द्वारा आयोजित PGT Geography एग्जाम 2022 में appear होने जा रहे हो तो आपको DSSSB PGT Geography Reasoning Previous Year Question Paper को refer करना चाहिए। ताकि आपको DSSSB PGT Geography Exam Pattern की जानकारी हो सके और आप उस अनुसार परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सके। इसलिए हमारी टीम ने यहाँ DSSSB PGT Geography Exam का पिछले वर्षों में से एक पेपर आपके लिए प्रस्तुत किया है।

DSSSB – PGT – Geography – 2014 – General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability
1. Sujatha walks a distance of 4 kms towards South, then turning to her left and walks for 3 kms. She again turns left and walks for 4 kms. At this point she turns to her left and walks for 4 kms. How many kms is she from the starting point?

(a)    5 kms

(b)   3 kms

(c)    2 kms

(d)   1 kms

2. Select the related number from the given alternatives.

L × M : 12 × 13 :: F × R : ?

(a)    5  × 17

(b)   6  × 18

(c)    14  × 15

(d)   7  × 19

3. Select the related letter from the given alternatives.

ABC : XYZ :: BCD : ?

(a)    WXY

(b)   VWX

(c)    STU

(d)   TUV

4. Five boys P,. Q, R, S and T are sitting in a row; S is on the right of T, Q is on the left of T but is on the right of P, S is on the left of R. Who is sitting on the extreme right?

(a)    T

(b)   S

(c)    R

(d)   Q

5. A and B are brothers, B is the son of C and C is the wife of D. How is D related to A?

(a)    Son

(b)   Uncle

(c)    Mother

(d)   Father

6. Q  is taller than R but shorter than U where as U is shorter than T and R is taller than S. Who is the shortest?

(a)    Q

(b)   T

(c)    S

(d)   R

7. Select the related word from the given alternatives.

Lion : Lioness :: Emperor : ?

(a)    Empire

(b)   Empress

(c)    Emperess

(d)   Empower

8. Directions (Qs.8 to 10) : In these questions one word or figure is different from the others. Find the odd one out.

(a)    Hydrogen

(b)   Mercury

(c)    Oxygen

(d)   Chlorine

9. (a)    Earth

(b)   Venus

(c)    Moon

(d)   Jupiter

10. (a)    Medal

(b)   Gold

(c)    Silver

(d)   Zinc






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