DSSSB Assistant Superintendent Tier III Paper 2013 General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability

DSSSB Delhi Assistant Superintendent Tier III Exam 2013 Paper – General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability

If NAXALITE is written in a certain code as LYVYJGRC, how INTEGRATE be written in the same code ?

In a certain coding system, RBM STD BRO PUS means “the cat is beautiful”. TNH PUS DIM STD means “the dog is brown”. PUS DIM BRO PUS CUS means “the dog has the cat”. What is the code for “has” ?
(a) DIM
(b) BRO
(c) STD
(d) CUS

Three of the following are alike in a certain way and form a group. Find the odd one out.
(a) Bird
(b) Worm
(c) Aeroplane
(d) Kite

How many meaningful words can be formed with all the letters of EMAL?
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 1

In a class of 35 students, Kishan is placed 7th from the bottom whereas Arun is placed exactly in beteen the two. What is Kishan’s position from Mohan?
(a) 13
(b) 11
(c) 10
(d) 9

If table is called chair, chair is called cot, cot is called pot and post is called filter, where does a person sit?
(a) Chair
(b) Cot
(c) Pot
(d) Filter

Karthik walks 10m south from his house, turns left and walks 25 m, again turns left and walks 40 m, then turns right and walks 5 m to reach the school, In which direction the school is from his house ?
(a) South-west
(b) North-east
(c) East
(d) Norh

If both statements “All flowers are petals” and “some petals are garlands” are true, then which of the following statements difinitely follows?
(a) some garlands are flowers
(b) Some flowers are garlands
(c) All petals are flowers
(d) Some garlands are petals

Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
(a) Quick
(b) Quiet
(c) Rapid
(d) Brisk

Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
(a) Violet
(b) Indigo
(c) Blue
(d) Black





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