Dr. Harisingh Gour University Sagar PGET M.sc Botany 2019 Paper

This paper consists 200 objective type questions for 2 hrs duration on Botany


Sr. No. Question
1 Among the following ecosystem the lower diversity occurs in

(a)    Tundra

(b)   Desert

(c)    Decidvous forest

(d)   Rain forest

2 Formation of Ozone hole is maximum over

(a)    India

(b)   Antarctica

(c)    Europe

(d)   Africa

3 Polio virus has

(a)    ss DNA

(b)   ds DNA

(c)    ss RNA

(d)   ds RNA

4 Silviculture refers to

(a)    cultivation of crops

(b)   cultivation of fishes

(c)    cultivation of forest trees

(d)   cultivation of rare plants

5 The cell wall of fungi is made up of

(a)    Chitin & Hemicellulose

(b)   Lipids

(c)    Protein

(d)   Cellulose

6 Genes are made up of

(a)    RNA

(b)   Protein

(c)    DNA

(d)   DNA & RNA

7 Any Ecosystem Consists of

(a)    Producers, consumers and Decomposers

(b)   Producers, herbivorous, carnivorous & Decomposers

(c)    Biotic & Abiotic matter

(d)   All the above

8 Tonoplast is a membrane which surrounds the

(a)    Cytoplasm

(b)   Vacuole

(c)    Nucleus

(d)   Mitochondria

9 In which part of cell cycle RNA and Protein Synthesis took place

(a)    S phase

(b)   M phase

(c)    G1 & G2 phase

(d)   None of these

10 Cap cell found in

(a)    Volvox

(b)   Chara

(c)    Oedogonium

(d)   Ectocarpus

11 Polygonum Embryosac has – Nucleus

(a)    Eight

(b)   Four

(c)    Two

(d)   Sixteen

12 Jumping gene in maize was discovered by

(a)    T.H. Morgan

(b)   H.G. Khorana

(c)    Beadle & Tatum

(d)   Barbara Mcclintock

13 Central dogma in molecular biology suggests that the genetic information flows form

(a)    RNA – DNA – Protein

(b)   Protein – RNA – DNA

(c)    DNA – RNA – Protein

(d)   Protein -DNA – RNA

14 The father of Botany was

(a)    Theofrastus

(b)   Aristotle

(c)    Linnaeus

(d)   Engler

15 Ambhibians of plant kingdom are

(a)    Bacteria

(b)   Bryophytes

(c)    Fungi

(d)   Cyanobacteria

  Published on 5th Oct 2021






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