Dr. Harisingh Gour University Sagar PGET M.Sc Biotechnology 2019 Paper

This paper consists 200 objective type questions for 2 hrs duration on biotechnology.


Sr. No. Question
1 ATP transforms after breakdown of two-high energy bonds into –

(a)    CPM

(b)   AMP

(c)    ADP

(d)   PDA

2 Released kinetic energy by breakdown of enzymes is stored in bods of ATP molecules in form of –

(a)    Potential energy

(b)   Artificial energy

(c)    Hydra energy

(d)   Thermal energy

3 Time of respiration is –

(a)    During day

(b)   During night

(c)    During afternoon

(d)   Whole day

4 According to the Beer-Lambert Law, on which of the following does absorbance not depend –

(a)    Colour of the solution

(b)   Distance that the light has travelled through the sample

(c)    Solution concentration

(d)   Extinction coefficient of the sample

5 The wavelength of an absorption is 495 nm. In what part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this lie?

(a)    Infrared

(b)   Radio wave

(c)    Microwave

(d)   Ultraviolet-visible

6 There is a chemical link between anabolism and catabolism in form of –

(a)    ADP

(b)   ATP

(c)    ATT

(d)   ASP

7 Study of energy relationship and energy conversions in biological systems in termed as –

(a)    Microbiology

(b)   Biotechnology

(c)    Bioenergetics

(d)   Biophysics

8 A scientist who first determined sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule was

(a)    F. Sanger

(b)   Edward Jenner

(c)    Erwin Chargaff

(d)   F. Miescher

9 Ligases helps in the

(a)    Splitting of two molecules

(b)   Joining of molecules

(c)    Oxidation of molecules

(d)   Both (b) and (c)

10 Enzymes which are involved in transfer of electrons are

(a)    Oxidases

(b)   Dehydrogenases

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   Hydrolases

11 Hormone production is a function related to

(a)    Hypothalamus

(b)   Pons

(c)    Hippocampus

(d)   Medulla

12 In cellular respiration, CH bond of food break down through

(a)    Reduction

(b)   Oxidation

(c)    Catalysis

(d)   Metabolism

13 Carbon dioxide produced during cellular respiration is

(a)    Consumed

(b)   Stored

(c)     Take out

(d)   Absorbed

14 Reactions in second phase of photosynthesis that does not utilize light directly are called

(a)    Adenine reactions

(b)   Night reactions

(c)    Light reactions

(d)   Dark reactions

15 Summarized details of dark reactions are also known as

(a)    Daniel cycle

(b)   Ernst cycle

(c)    Calvin cycle

(d)   Karl cycle

  Published on 1st Oct 2021






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