Dr. Harisingh Gour University Sagar PGET M.Ed 2019 Paper

This paper consists 100 objective type questions for 2 hrs duration


Sr. No. Question
1 Which is the main centre of informal education?

(a)    Society

(b)   Family

(c)    Radio and television

(d)   All of the above

2 Which one of the following education systems supports scientific progress?

(a)    Realistic Education

(b)   Idealistic Education

(c)    Naturalistic Education

(d)   None of these

3 Which educational activity is most desirable to the pragmatist?

(a)    Approximates the goals which educational scientists have set up

(b)   Results from the indiscrimination of the pupil in democratic theory

(c)    That is beneficial effect upon the future experiences of the pupil

(d)   That characterizes by spontaneous, active, continuously pleasurable and practical for the pupil

4 Who is the supporter of Naturalism in education?

(a)    Frolbel

(b)   Amstrong

(c)    John locke

(d)   Rosseau

5 Which system of education was propounded by Mahatma Gandhi?

(a)    Teaching by activities

(b)   Teaching through music

(c)    Teaching through listening, meditation etc.

(d)   All of these

6 In  a food chain, humans are

(a)    Secondary consumers

(b)   Primary consumer

(c)    Producers

(d)   Primary and secondary consumers both

7 The most harmful environmental pollution from nuclear reactor is

(a)    Radioactivity

(b)   Particulate formation

(c)    Thermal pollution

(d)   Noise pollution

8 According to which school of philosophy of education, exaltation of individual’s personality is a function of education?

(a)    Pragmatism

(b)   Idealism

(c)    Marxism

(d)   Idealism and Marxism both

9 Which branch of philosophy deals with knowledge, its structure, method and validity?

(a)    Logic

(b)   Aesthetics

(c)    Epistemology

(d)   Metaphysics

10 What is the goal of education according  to idealism?

(a)    Perfect adaptation to the environment

(b)   Realization of moral values

(c)    Satisfaction of human wants

(d)   Cultivation of dynamic, adaptable mind which will resourceful and enterprising in all situations

11 The aim of education according to the existentialists is

(a)    Humanitarian and humanist self-realization

(b)   Adaptation to practical life

(c)    Objective knowledge

(d)   A good understanding of the world outside

12 Which school of philosophy of education advocated project method of teaching?

(a)    Realism

(b)   Pragmatism

(c)    Idealism

(d)   Naturalism

13 Who emphasized that education should be a social process?

(a)    Vivekananda

(b)   Rousseau

(c)    Dewey

(d)   Pestalozzi

14 Education has been included in

(a)    Concurrent list

(b)   State list

(c)    Union list

(d)   Article 36

15 Which of the following is NOT a constraint on social change in India?

(a)    Religion

(b)   Language

(c)    Modernization

(d)   None of the above

  Published on 12th Oct 2021






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