DBRAU Kanpur BSc Chemistry Previous Year Question Paper

DBRAU Kanpur BSc III Inorganic Chemistry Paper 2022

S.No. Questions with options
1 The value of Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) does NOT depend on

(a)  Nature of metal ion

(b) Nature of ligand

(c)  Geometry of the complex

(d) EAN of central metal ion

2 According to crystal field theory, Ni2+ can have two unpaired electron in

(a)  Octahedral geometry

(b) Square planar geometry only

(c)  Tetrahedral geometry only

(d) Both octahedral and Tetrahedral geometry

3 Thermodynamic stability is determined by

(a)  Activation Energy

(b) All are correct

(c)  Stability constant

(d) Rate of reaction

4 The rate of cation exchange process depend on

(a)  Valency of the ions

(b) Degree of hydration

(c)  Charge on the ions

(d) All of these

5 Kurnakov test is used to identify

(a)  Optical isomers in octahedral complexes

(b) Labile and inert complex in octahedral complex

(c)  Cis-trans isomers in square planar complex

(d) None of these

6 The following types of radiation, the only one to be deflected in a magnetic field is

(a)  X-rays

(b) Beta Rays

(c)  Gama Rays

(d) Neutrons

7 Which of the following method’s can be used for the determination of magnetic susceptibility of metal complexes?

(a)  Gouy’s method

(b) Curie’s method

(c)  NMR method

(d) All of these

8 The absorbance of solution having 20% transmittance is

(a)  0.602

(b) 0.699

(c)  6.990

(d) 1.699

9 Laporte selection rule is NOT affecting

(a)  Octahedral geometry

(b) Square planar geometry

(c)  Tetrahedral geometry

(d) All of these

10 Ogranometallic compounds used in preservation of wood are of

(a)  Al

(b) Li

(c)  Sn

(d) Hg

11 The INCORRECT statement about Zeise’s salt is

(a)  Zeise’s salt is diamagnetic

(b) The oxidation state of Pt in Zeise’s salt are equal

(c)  All the Pt-Cl bond lengths in Zeise’s salt are equal

(d) C-C bond length to ethylene moiety in Zeise’s salt is longer than that of free ethylene molecule

12 Silicones are

(a)  Alkyl silicate

(b) Halosilanes

(c)  Silicon element

(d) Organosilicone polymer

13 In compound N3P3F6the geometry around Nitrogen and Phosphorus, respectively are

(a)  Pyramidal and tetrahedral

(b) Planar and tetrahedral

(c)  Pyramidal and planar

(d) Planar and trigonal bipyramidal

14 Which is used in sealing of joints of jet air craft?

(a)  Silicone grease

(b) Silicone fluid

(c)  Silicone rubber

(d) Silicone resin

15 On polymerization of dimethyl dihydroxy silane give

(a)  Silicone

(b) Siloxane

(c)  Silanols

(d) Borazine

16 Generally which of the following is toxic for human being?

(a)  Soft acid metal ion

(b) Hard acid metal ion

(c)  Soft base

(d) Hard base

17 Nitrogen fixing enzyme nitrogenase contains the following metals

(a)  Cobalt and iron

(b) Molybdenum and Iron

(c)  Cobalt and Molybdenum

(d) Copper and cobalt

18 in plants, Mg is found in the form of

(a)  Colloidal state

(b) Fine particles

(c)  Macrocyclic compound

(d) None of the above

19 Fixation of Nitrogen is defined as

(a)  Liquid nitrogen

(b) Nitrogen cycle

(c)  Manufacture of nitrogen by Haber’s process

(d) Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compound

20 Cooperative phenomenon occurs in

(a)  Myoglobin

(b) Cytochrome

(c)  Carbonic anhydrase

(d) None of these









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