CSJMU Kanpur MSc Chemistry Final Paper 2021 on Bioinorganic & supramolecular Chemistry

CSJMU Kanpur MSc Chemistry Final Paper 2021 on Bioinorganic & supramolecular Chemistry

S.No. Questions with options
1 Which of the following is NOT an iron binding protein?

(a)  Ferritin

(b) Pantothenic acid

(c)  Siderophores

(d) Transferring

2 How many types of calcium ion channels are present on ER membrane?

(a)  1

(b) 2

(c)  3

(d) 4

3 What is a conenzyme?

(a)  Inorganic ion

(b) Organic molecule

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of the above

4 An enzyme that joins the ends of two strands of nucleic acid is

(a)  Polymerase

(b) Ligase

(c)  Synthetase

(d) Helicase

5 Excessive bleeding during an injury is a deficiency of ______

(a)  Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B

(c)  Vitamin K

(d) Vitamin E

6 Super molecular chemistry has been defined as

(a)  The study of covalent bonds

(b) The study of large molecules

(c)  Chemistry beyond the molecule

(d) Chemistry of atoms

7 Vitamins are essential to the survival of organisms because vitamins usually function as

(a)  Substrates

(b) Nucleic acids

(c)  Co-enzymes

(d) Nucleosides

8 Nucleic acids are chains of 5 – carbon sugars linked by which types of bonds with an organic base protruding from each sugar?

(a)  Amino

(b) Phosphodiester

(c)  Carbonyl

(d) Phosphate

9 Diseases that spread from one person to another are called _________

(a)  Communicable diseases

(b) Degenerative diseases

(c)  Non-communicable diseases

(d) None of the above

10 Supramolecular chemistry is primarily concerned with

(a)  Non –covalent bonding

(b) Atomic forces

(c)  Covalent bonding

(d) Thermodynamics

11 Which of the following is an important defense against virus infected cells and cancer cells?

(a)  Platelets

(b) NK cells

(c)  Monocytes

(d) Neutrophils

12 Which of the following toxicity can occur due to single exposure?

(a)  Acute toxicity

(b) Sub-acute toxicity

(c)  Sub-chronic toxicity

(d) Chronic toxicity

13 Supramolecules are very common in nature which of the following is an example of  a supramolecule?

(a)  Clucose

(b) Caffeine

(c)  Thymine

(d) DNA

14 Most of the iron bound to transferring comes from

(a)  Iron absorbed by the intestine

(b) Macrophages

(c)  Ferritin

(d) Reiculocytes

15 Which of the following is a calcium binding protein?

(a)  Cyclin

(b) Calmodulin

(c)  Rennin

(d) Kinetin

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 4th June 2022










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