CPCT Previous Year Paper 20 Nov 2016 on Computer Knowledge

CPCT 20 Nov 2016 Paper on Computer Proficiency and IT Skills

CPCT-20 NOV-2016- Shift I Paper –Computer Proficiency & Proficiency in General IT skills and Networking
S.No Objective type questions
1 The term EDVAC stands for:

(a)  Electronic  Distinct Variable Automatic Computer

(b) Electronic  Discrete Variable Automatic computer

(c)  Electronic  Disk Variable Automatic Computer

(d) Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer

Ans: (b)

2 Which of the following is used to store intermediate arithmetic and logic results in a CPU?

(a)  Accumulators

(b) Buffers

(c)  Virtual Memory

(d) Secondary Storage

Ans:  (a)

3 A device or computer program capable of Coding and Decoding audio data stream is Known as:

(a)  Audio signal

(b) Audio Throughput

(c)  Audio stream

(d) Audio codec

Ans: (d)

4 A computer device used to draw images and create graphics and animation is known as:

(a)  Scanner

(b) Graphics Tablet

(c)  Copier

(d) PDA

Ans:  (b)

5 The term OLED in Video Display stands for:

(a)  Organic Light Enhancing Diode

(b) Oxidized  Light Emitting Diode

(c)  Organic Light Emitting Diode

(d) Oxidized Light Enhancing Diode

Ans: (c)

6 Which of the following is employed in Physical Security System to read personnel credential to allow passage through a looked door?

(a)  Access Control Card Readers

(b) Security Scanners

(c)  VR Sets

(d) Memory Card Readers

Ans:  (a)

7 Which of the following is NOT used with regards to Integrated Circuits?

(a)  SSI

(b) PSI

(c)  MSI

(d) VLSI

Ans: (b)

8 Which of the following protocols was designed by Microsoft to facilitate communication between Computers and USB Mass storage devices to transfer Images, Audio and video Files?

(a)  Media Transfer Protocol

(b) File Transfer protocol

(c)  Voice Over Internet protocol

(d) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

9 A2 –Dimensional patterned array used to represent characters, symbols and images is known as:

(a)  Line Work

(b) Resolution

(c)  Dot Matrix

(d) Vector

Ans: (c)

10 Which of the following has the fastest access tie in terms of data retrieval?

(a)  SSD

(b) HDD

(c)  Magnetic Tape

(d) CD

Ans: (a)

11 A self – contained step by step set of operations that  only models the actual working program but cannot be executed directly is known as:

(a)  Algorithm

(b) Batch  File

(c)  Executable

(d) Shell Script

Ans : (a)

12 Which of the following is NOT a flavor of UNIX?

(a)  Linux

(b) FreeBSD

(c)  Python

(d) Darwin

Ans: (c)


13 Flight Simulator usually belongs to which of the following categories?

(a)  Open Source Software

(b) Embedded Software

(c)  System Software

(d) Application Software

Ans : (d)

14 Assembly language is converted into executable machine code by utility program reffered to as:

(a)  Assembler

(b) Debugger

(c)   Macro

(d) Parser

Ans : (a)

15 A software program  that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer is known as:

(a)  Interrupt

(b) Device Driver

(c)  Trap

(d) Micro Controller

Ans : (b)

16 Which of the following files is a default operating system Shell for DOS O.S.?

(a)  Autoexect.bat

(b) Command .com

(c)  Kernel132.dll

(d) Run 32.dll

Ans : (b)

17 The process  of  booting  computer from rather than a local drive is known as:

(a)  Scheduled Booting

(b) Network Booting

(c)  Attended Booting

(d) Silent Booting

Ans : (b)

18 Which of the following devices is responsible for forwarding data packets between computer networks?

(a)  Repeater

(b) Hub

(c)  Modem

(d) Routers

Ans  : (d)

19 The digital image that is used as a decorative background on the screen of a computer is known as:

(a)  Desktop

(b) Screen Saver

(c)  Wallpaper

(d) Image

20 Which of the following components of windows act as a safety net for mistakenly deleted files or folders from the hard disk?

(a)  My Documents

(b) InternetExplorer

(c)  Task Bar

(d) Recycle Bin

Ans : (d)

  Data Collected By – J. Jaya lakshmi
  Published On – 4th Jan 2022






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