Cochin Shipyard Part A detailed Syllabus

CSL Part A detailed Syllabus

Particulars Syllabus – General (Part A)


Facts about India and other countries : – Basic facts/ Geography/ Tourism/ Transport Systems/ Personalities/ places/ History/ Constitution/ Economy/ Writers/ Literatures/ Indian States & Union Territories/ International Organizations.

General Science :- Branches of studies/ Scientific instruments and appliances/Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology.

Sports & Games

Important Events/ Movements/ Leaders/ Places/ Years

Writers- Authors- Biography- Autobiography


General English Spotting Errors/ Vocabulary usage/ Sentence Completion/ Synonyms/ Antonyms/ Reconstruction of Sentences/ One word Substitution/ Idioms & Phrases/ Grammar/ Correct usage of Articles/ Prepositions/ Singular and plural
Reasoning Analogy/ Classification/ Series Completion/ Coding – Decoding/ Blood Relation/ Direction Sense Test/ Alphabet Test/ Number and Ranking/ Puzzle Test/ Odd Man Out/ General Intelligence


Number System/ Fraction and Decimals/ Simplification/ Volume and Surface areas/ Square roots and cube roots/ Problems based on numbers, Speed, Time and Distance, Simple Interest/ Compound Interest/ Boats and Streams/ Problems on Trains/ Percentage – Interest/ HC and LCM/ Average/ Ratio and proportion/ Time and Work/ Problems based on ages/ Profit, Loss and Discount, Statistics/ Permutations & Combinations/ Probability.
  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 31st May 2022







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