CMERI Durgapur Recruitment Notice

CMERI Recruitment 2021 apply online

CSIR-CMERI Recruitment for Technical Assistant Posts 2021 Details – If you are searching direct joining job in Durgapur/ Durgapur recruitment 2021/ urgent job in durgapur/ jobs in durgapur for freshers/ fresher diploma jobs in durgapur/ diploma mechanical engineering jobs in durgapur/ diploma electrical engineering jobs in durgapur/ job for diploma mechanical engineering/ durgapur mechanical job/ diploma civil engineering jobs in durgapur/ diploma job in durgapur then you are right place. Here we are providing the jobs details in CMERI durgapur.

CMERI Vacancy 2021 details –

Name of the post No. of vacancies
Technical Assistant Post Code – 202101 13
Technical Assistant Post Code – 202102 05
Technical Assistant Post Code – 202103 02
Technical Assistant Post Code – 202104 01
Technical Assistant Post Code – 202105 01
Total Vacancies 15

CSIR-CMERI Salary Structure for Technical Assistant posts – Pay Scale Rs. 35,400/- to Rs. 1,12,400/- + Allowances in Pay Level 6

Required discipline wise Qualifications are as below –

Post Code Qualification
202101 Diploma in Mechanical /Production Engg./Tech. of at least 03 years full time duration with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of 3D CAD Modeling/Machining/ Drafting/ CNC/Molding/Casting etc. OR Diploma in Mechanical /Production Engg./Tech. of at least 02 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of 3D CAD Modeling/Machining/ Drafting/ CNC/Molding/Casting etc.
202102 Diploma in Electrical / Electronic Engg./Tech. of at least 03 years full time duration with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of System Design/ Micro controller/ Sensors/ Data Acquisition Systems/ Design of circuit/ power electrics etc. OR Diploma in Electrical / Electronic Engg./Tech. of at least 02 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of System Design/ Micro controller/ Sensors/ Data Acquisition Systems/ Design of circuit/ power electrics etc.
202103 Diploma in Civil Engg./Tech. of at least 03 years full time duration with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of preparing the estimates for civil works, tender documents, supervise execution of works, preparing bills and handling maintenance of existing buildings & services etc. OR Diploma in Civil Engg./Tech. of at least 02 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of preparing the estimates for civil works, tender documents, supervise execution of works, preparing bills and handling maintenance of existing buildings & services etc.
202104 Diploma in Electrical Engg./Tech. of at least 03 years full time duration with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of maintenance of HT/LT Electrical Installations including distribution system, transformers, diesel Generator sets and breakers. OR Diploma in Electrical Engg./Tech. of at least 02 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of maintenance of HT/LT Electrical Installations including distribution system, transformers, diesel Generator sets and breakers.
202105 Diploma in Automobile Engg./Tech. of at least 03 years full time duration with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of operation and maintenance of tractors/ field equipments / vehicles etc. OR Diploma in Automobile Engg./Tech. of at least 02 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses with minimum 60% marks and experience of 02 years in the area of operation and maintenance of tractors/ field equipment’s / vehicles etc.

Age Limit – Not more than 28 years.

How to apply in CMERI – – Online Application will be available on CSIR-CMERI website (Closes on 20.12.2021 at 05.00 p.m.) It is mandatory to take the print out of the successfully submitted online application form, sign the same and attach the self-attested mandatory documents {As mentioned in Sl No 6, as applicable}. The print out of the application along with the relevant documents must reach CSIR-CMERI on or before 31.12.2021

– A candidate can apply for multiple Post Codes subject to fulfilling all eligibility criterion attached to each individual Post Code. The candidate needs to submit the primary/registration details only once in online application even while applying for more than one post code. However, candidate needs to fill the application (except primary/registration details) again and pay the application fee separately for each Post Code.

– The print out of the successfully submitted online Application duly signed must be accompanied by self attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, education qualifications, experience and caste certificate, certificate to be produced by EWS candidates, if applicable, (as mentioned in Sl No 6 below) together with E-RECEIPT of the Application fees, (if applicable) should be sent in an envelope superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF – __________________ (Post Code____________)” ‘Advertisement No. 04/2021’ by post to the address given below, separately for each post code, in case a candidate applies for multiple post codes.

The Administrative Officer,

CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Mahatma Gandhi Avenue,

Durgapur – 713 209 (West Bengal)

Following documents must be attached along with the printout of the application form:

  1.  The printed copy of e-receipt for the application fee of Rs. 100/-
  2.  Self Attested photocopy of certificate proving Date of Birth (Matriculation Certificate).
  3. Self Attested photocopies of educational qualification i.e. Certificates & Marks Sheets of each semester, coursework etc.
  4. Self Attested photocopies of experience certificates, wherever required in the prescribed format. Copy of relevant document to substantiate the experience claimed.
  5. Conversion formula of CGPA/SGPA/OGPA/DGPA/CPI grades etc into percentage, issued by the University
  6. Self Attested photocopy of Caste certificate / EWS certificate, if applicable in the prescribed proforma.
  7. Any other document in support of the claim made in the application, as applicable.

Last date for online application – 20.12.2021

Last date for receipt of Hard copy of Applications – 31.12.2021

For further details please refer to official website at

Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Durgapur Recruitment Notification 2021

Name of the post – Scientist
No. of vacancies – 08
Pay Scale – Level 11 of Pay Matrix Rs.67700/- Rs.208700/-
Qualification for post code – 210301 -ME/M Tech or equivalent in Mechanical/ Production/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Material Science with B.E./B. Tech in Mechanical/ Production/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Materials Science
Desirable Experience – The candidates having experience in Product Development / Technology Innovation / Translational Research in the areas of High Temp Materials/ Thermal barrier and /or high temp Coating/ Corrosion/ Tribology will be given preference. Candidates having their ME/M.Tech Project work in the above areas and relevant Publications in the SCI Journals only will also be given due preference.

Qualification for post code – 210302 – ME/M. Tech or equivalent in the areas of Mechanical/ Production/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Mechatronics/ Additive Manufacturing with BE/B. Tech in Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial / Metallurgical Engineering
Desirable Experience – The candidates having experience in Product Development / Technology Innovation / Translational Research in the areas of Design of Industrial Products/ Digital Manufacturing / IoT based Manufacturing / Additive Manufacturing / Smart Foundry will be given preference. Candidates having their ME/M.Tech Project work in the above areas and relevant Publications in the SCI Journals only will also be given due preference.

Qualification for post code – 210303 – ME/M Tech or equivalent in Mechanical / Computer Science/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Electrical Engineering/ Power Electronics/ Mechatronics with B.E./B. Tech in Mechanical/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Electrical Engineering
Desirable Experience – The candidates having experience in Product Development / Technology Innovation / Translational Research in the areas of Industrial Robotics/ Automation & Control/ Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence will be given preference. Candidates having their ME/M.Tech Project work in the above areas and relevant Publications in the SCI Journals only will also be given due preference.

Age Limit – Not more than 32 years.

Name of the post – Senior Scientist
No. of vacancies – 07
Pay Scale – Level 12 of Pay Matrix Rs.78800/- Rs. 209200/-

Qualification for post code 210304 – ME/M. Tech or equivalent having BE/B. Tech. in Mechanical or Industrial or Production Engineering
Essential Experience – 03 years’ research/industrial experience after ME/M. Tech or equivalent in the areas of design and development of Industrial Products & Systems /Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems/Test Rigs


PhD in Engineering with PhD work in the areas of Design of Industrial Products & Systems /Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems/Test Rigs only will be considered provided the topic reflects the same. Candidates must be having BE/B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering or Industrial or Production Engineering

Qualification for post code -210305 – ME/M. Tech or equivalent in Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering with B.E./B. Tech in Mechanical/Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering
Essential Experience – 03 years’ research/industrial experience after ME/M. Tech or equivalent in the areas of design and/ or development of Turbo machinery Component/Systems


PhD in Engineering with PhD work in the area of Turbo machinery only will be considered provided the topic reflects the same. Candidates must be having BE/B. Tech degree in Mechanical/Aerospace/Electrical/Electronics/ Instrumentation Engineering or equivalent

Qualification for post code 210306 – ME/M. Tech or equivalent in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology/Process Engineering/Process Plant Engineering/ Process Design Engineering with BE/ B. Tech in Chemical/ Mechanical Engineering
Essential Experience – 03 years’ research/industrial experience after ME/M. Tech or equivalent in the areas of experience of working in the areas of value added scaled up chemical production plant/gas generation/ separation plant


PhD in Engg with PhD work in the areas of value added scaled up chemical production plant/gas generation/separation plant only will be considered provided the topic reflects the same. Candidates must be having BE/ Chemical/Mechanical Engineering

Qualification for post code 210307 – ME/M. Tech. or equivalent in Material Science & Engineering / Chemical Engineering with BE/ B. Tech. in Material Science & Engineering / Chemical Engineering or M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences
Essential Qualification – 03 years’ research/industrial experience after ME/M. Tech or equivalent in the areas of bioenergy and / or fuel production


PhD in Engg./Science with PhD work in Bio-energy/fuel conversion and related catalyst designing only will be considered provided the topic reflects the same. Candidates must be having BE/ Materials Engineering/ Materials Science/ Chemical Engineering or M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences

Qualification for post code 210308 – M.E./M. Tech or equivalent in Electrical/ Electronics & Control / Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation / Advanced Electronic Systems / Power Electronics with BE/ B. Tech in Electrical/ Electronics & Communication/ Instrumentation Engineering
Essential Experience – 03 years’ research/industrial experience after ME/M. Tech/MS in the areas of Industrial Robotics/ Automation & Control/ Inverter Technologies / Power Electronics & Machine Drives


PhD in Engg with PhD work in Industrial Robotics/ Automation & Control/ Inverter Technologies / Power Electronics & Machine Drives only will be considered provided the topic reflects the same. Candidates must be having BE/B. Tech in Electronics/ Electrical/ Instrumentation Engineering
Age Limit – Not more than 37 years.

How to apply – a) Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE through our website No other mode of application will be considered.

b) Candidates are advised to go through the instructions for online filling of the application carefully.

c) The print out of the successfully submitted online Application duly signed must be accompanied by self attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, education qualifications, experience and caste certificate, if applicable, (as mentioned in Sl No 6 below) together with E-RECEIPT of the Application fees, (if applicable) should be sent in an envelope superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF – __________________ (Post Code____________)” ‘Advertisement No. 03/2021’ by post to the address given below on or before 30.09.2021, separately for each post code, in case a candidate applies for multiple post codes.

The Administrative Officer,

CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Mahatma

Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713 209

(West Bengal)
Last date for application – 20.09.2021
For further details please refer to official website at

Last updated on 10th Sept 2021






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