CEPTAM Model Paper on Partnership for TECH A Exam

CEPTAM Model Paper on Partnership


1 Partnership A, B and C invested Rs.6300, Rs.4200 and Rs.10500 respectively, in a partnership business. Find the share of A in profit of Rs.12100 after a year?

(a) Rs. 3630

(b) Rs. 2840

(c) Rs. 3200

(d) Rs. 5600

2 A, B and C jointly thought of engaging themselves in a business venture. It was agreed that A would invest Rs. 6500 for 6 months, B, Rs. 8400 for 5 months and C, Rs. 10,000 for 3 months. A wants to be the working member for which, he was to receive 5% of the profits. The profit earned was Rs. 7400. Calculate the share of B in the profit

(a) Rs. 1900

(b) Rs. 2660

(c) Rs. 2800

(d) Rs. 2840

3 P gave Rs. 12000 for starting a business. Q gave Rs. 16000. What will be share of profit of R after 2 years, if R comes after 8 months with his Rs. 15000 and profit earned by P, Q and R is Rs. 45600?

(a) Rs. 24000

(b) Rs. 22000

(c) Rs. 21800

(d) Rs. 12000

 4 Sumit and Ravi started a business by investing Rs 85000 and 15000 respectively. In what ratio the profit earned after 2 years be divided between Sumit and Ravi respectively.

(a) 17 : 1

(b) 17 : 2

(c) 17 : 3

(d) 17 : 4

5 A, B and C start a business each investing Rs. 20,000. After 5 months A withdrew Rs.6000 B withdrew Rs. 4000 and C invests Rs. 6000 more. At the end of the year, a total profit of Rs. 69,900 was recorded. Find the share of each.

(a) Rs. 20400, 20500, 18700

(b) Rs. 21500, 22600, 21700

(c) Rs. 20500, 21200, 28200

(d) Rs. 21900, 22700, 27300

6 Golu, Ganesh ,  Devendra started a business with their investments in the ratio 1:3 :5. After 4 months, Golu  invested the same amount as before and Ganesh as well as Devendra  withdrew half of their investments. The ratio of their profits at the end of the year is :

(a) 1 : 2 : 3

(b) 3 : 4 : 15

(c) 3 : 5 : 10

(d) 5 : 6 : 10

7 Amit,  Sumit  and Ninad started a shop by investing Rs. 27,000, Rs. 72,000 and Rs. 81,000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profits were distributed among them. If Ninad’s share of profit be Rs. 36,000, then the total profit was:

(a) Rs. 30000

(b) Rs. 60000

(c) Rs. 80000

(d) Rs. 120000

8 Rajesh  invested Rs 76000 in a business. After few months Mahesh joined him and invests Rs 57000. At the end of year both of them share the profits at the ratio of 2:1. After how many months Mahesh  joined with Rajesh ?

(a) 4 months

(b) 5 months

(c) 6 months

(d) 7 months

9 Sita, Babita and Chhaya  enter into a partnership and their shares are in the ratio 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4. After 2 months, Sita withdraws half of her capital and after 10 months, a profit of Rs. 378 is divided among them. What is Babita’s share ?

(a) Rs. 144

(b) Rs. 169

(c) Rs. 225

(d) Rs. 339

10 Ramesh  and Ganesh started a business investing Rs. 85,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectively. In what ratio the profit earned after 2 years be divided between them?

(a) 10 : 3

(b) 12 : 3

(c) 17 : 3

(d) 20 : 15


Last updated on 10th Sept 2021


Answer –

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a b d c c d c a a c







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