CEPTAM 10 STA Sample Paper 7

CEPTAM Tier I Model Paper No. 7

No. Question with options
1 Only one of the following can be the ex-officio Chairman of the Planning Commission. He is the—
(A) Minister for Planning and Development   (B) Home Minister   (C) Prime Minister   (D) Finance Minister
2 The train service—‘Thar Express’ between India and Pakistan, originates in India from—
(A) Jaisalmer                     (B) Jodhpur                                (C) Bikaner                       (D) Barmer
3 Garba is a dance form of—    (A) Gujarat        (B) Rajasthan         (C) Orissa          (D) Assam
4 The Draft of the Five Year Plans in India is approved by the—
(A) National Development Council(B) Planning Commission(C) National Productivity Council (D) Ministry of Finance
5 The Council of Ministers does not include—
(A) Cabinet Ministers         (B) Ministers of State
(C) Cabinet Secretary         (D) Ministers without Portfolio
6 Vegetables are easily perishable because of their high content of—
(A) Sugars       (B) Water   (C) Vitamins     (D) Enzymes
7 A Financial Emergency can be declared by applying—
(A) Article 360               (B) Article 361
(C) Article 370               (D) Article 371
8 The 2011 Census would be the—
(A) 13th Census               (B) 14th Census
(C) 15th Census               (D) 16th Census
9 The L.C.M. of the two numbers is 45 times their H.C.F. If one of the numbers is 125 and the sum of H.C.F. and L.C.M. is 1150, the other number is                                                                  (A) 215    (B) 220     (C) 225     (D) 235
10 200 liters of a mixture contains 15 per cent water and the rest is milk. The amount of milk that must be added so that the resulting mixture contains 87.5 per cent milk is

(A) 30 liters. (B) 35 liters. (C) 40 liters. (D) 45 liters.

11 A,B,C enter into a partnership. A contributes Rs. 3,20,000 for 4 months, B contributes Rs. 5,10,000 for 3 months and C contributes Rs. 2,70,000 for 5 months. If the total profit be Rs. 1,24,800, then A’s share of profit is

(A) Rs. 38,400 (B) Rs. 45,900

(C) Rs. 40,500 (D) Rs. 41,500

12 If the altitude of a triangle is increased by 10 per cent while its area remains same, its corresponding base will have to be decreased by

(A) 10 % (B) 9 %  (C) 1911 % (D) None of these

13 The bank use……………. Device to minimize conversion process.
(A) Keyboard   (B) MICR   (C) OCR    (D) Scanner
14 ………………can’t be used for source of data automation.
(A) POS terminal  (B) OCR  (C) Keyboard   (D) UPC
15 A modem performs_________
(A) Modulation                           (B) Demodulation
(C) Data compression                (D) All of these
16 Which of the following is NOT done by modem?
(A) Transmission Speed              (B) Data Accuracy
(C) Error detection and Correction  (D) Data Compression
17 The President of India is elected by :
(A) Parliament
(B) State legislatures
(C) by the people directly
(D) by an electrol college consisting of the elected members of the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies.
18 Which article of the Indian constitution empowers the President of India to impose central rule on a state?
(A) Article 256                 (B) Article 356
(C) Article 370                (D) Article 373
19 The time-gap between two sessions of parliament must not exceed :
(A) 3 months                 (B) 6 months
(C) 9 months                 (D) 12 months
20 The vacancy in the office of the President must be filled within :
(A) 6 month  (B) 9 month   (C) 12 month   (D) 3 month

Answers –

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20







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