Cantonment Board Almora Previous Year Question Paper

Cantonment Board Almora Forest Guard 2020 Paper

Time 02 hrs Max. Marks 100

Sr. No. Question
1 The ‘Arya Samaj’ was founded by

(a)                       Raja Rammohan Roy

(b)                      Atmaram Pandurang

(c)                       Keshab Chandra Sen

(d)                      Swami Daynanda Swarswati

Ans – (d)

2 Bills of which of the following categories can only be initiated in LOK Sabha?

(a)                       Private members bill

(b)                      Ordinary bill

(c)                       Money bill

(d)                      Constitution amendment bill

Ans –(c)

3 Who issues currency notes in India?

(a)                       Govt. of India

(b)                      Reserve Bank of India

(c)                       State Bank of India

(d)                      Ministry of Finance

Ans –(b)

4 Who wrote the Arthashastra?

(a)                       Kalidasa

(b)                      Chanakya

(c)                       Harsha Vardhana

(d)                      Vatsayana

Ans – (b)

5 The Qutub Minar was completed by which of the following famous ruler?

(a)                       Babar

(b)                      Alauddin Khilji

(c)                       Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak

(d)                      Iltutmish

Ans –(d)

6 In which of the following year the first passenger train ran in India?

(a)                       1851

(b)                      1853

(c)                       1854

(d)                      1852

Ans – (b)

7 In which five year plan, integrated rural development programme was introduced?

(a)                       First

(b)                      Sixth

(c)                       Fifth

(d)                      Second

Ans – (b)

8 When the commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices came into existence?

(a)                       1965

(b)                      1967

(c)                       1966

(d)                      1968

Ans –(a)

9 The President has to take an oath or an affirmation before entering upon his office, which is administered by which of the following?

(a)                       The Vice-President

(b)                      The Chief Election Commissioner

(c)                       The Chief Justice of India

(d)                      The Minister for Parliamentary Affairs

Ans – (c)

10 Between whom was the second battle of Panipat fought?

(a)                       Sikander and Adilshah

(b)                      Rajputs and Mughals

(c)                       Babur and Ibrahim Lodi

(d)                      Akbar and Hemu

Ans – (d)

11 Which of the following has ‘Hire and Fire’ policy?

(a)                       Socialism

(b)                      Capitalism

(c)                       Mixed economy

(d)                      Traditional economy

Ans –(b)

12 Which plateau is the most rich in minerals in India?

(a)                       Deccan Plateau

(b)                      Malwa Plateau

(c)                       Choota Nagpur Plateau

(d)                      Mysuru Plateau

Ans – (c)

13 The Bhakra Nagal Dam is built on which river?

(a)                       Sutlej

(b)                      Ganga

(c)                       Yamuna

(d)                      Brahaputra

Ans – (a)

14 Which of the following is the biggest and oldest ocean?

(a)                       Atlantic ocean

(b)                      Pacific ocean

(c)                       Indian ocean

(d)                      Arctic ocean

Ans –(b)

15 Plaster of Paris is mad from

(a)                       Limestone

(b)                      Bauxite

(c)                       Gypsum

(d)                      Marble

Ans – (c)

16 Who was the first non-congress prime minister in independent modern India’s history?

(a)                       Jawaharlal Nehru

(b)                      Charan Singh

(c)                       Gulzarilal Nanda

(d)                      Morarji Desai

Ans –(d)

17 Which of the following state has the largest number of seats in Rajya Sabha?

(a)                       Rajasthan

(b)                      Uttar Pradesh

(c)                       Madhya Pradesh

(d)                      Bihar

Ans –(b)

18 What is the maximum interval between two Sessions of Parliament?

(a)                       Five months

(b)                      Four month

(c)                       Three month

(d)                      Six months

Ans –(d)

19 In which of the Indian State the ‘Bol Bom Yatra’ is usually held, by devotees of Hindu Religion?

(a)                       Bihar

(b)                      Odisha

(c)                       Rajasthan

(d)                      Uttar Pradesh

Ans –(b)

20 Ingenuity, NASA’s robotic helicopter, is operating on which astronomical body?

(a)                       Saturn

(b)                      Mars

(c)                       Venus

(d)                      Jupiter

Ans – (b)









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