Bihar SBTE Diploma Mechanical Paper on Advanced Auto Engine

Bihar SBTE Diploma Mechanical 5th SEM Dec 2019 Paper on Advanced Auto Engine

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Maximum combustion pressure in a car petrol engine is about

(a)  6 KPa

(b) 60 KPa

(c)  6 MPa

(d) 60 MPa

2 Doubling the cylinder diameter of an engine could give power output, which is ___________time the original value

(a)  2

(b) 3

(c)  4

(d) 8

3 The calorific value of gasoline is about

(a)  45 J/kg

(b) 45 KJ/kg

(c)  45 MJ/kg

(d) 45 GJ/kg

4 The octane number of iso-octane is

(a)  0

(b) 10

(c)  80

(d) 100

5 One effect of detonation is

(a)  Delay in ignition

(b) Interruption in lubrication

(c)  Loss of power

(d) Deterioration in the quality of air-fuel mixture

6 An indication of ignition quality of a diesel fuel is given by

(a)  Detonation

(b) Octane number

(c)  Pre- ignition

(d) Cetane number

7 Apart from hydrocarbons, the main pollutants in the engine exhaust are

(a)  CO and CO2

(b) CO2 and NOx

(c)  CO and NOx

(d) CO2 and H2o

8 The maximum allowable hydrocarbons in the car emission are approximately

(a)  10 ppm

(b) 100 ppm

(c)  1000 ppm

(d) 5000 ppm

9 The catalyst used in the converter for oxidizing HC and CO is

(a)  Copper

(b) Charcoal

(c)  Radium

(d) Platinum

10 The air fuel ratio required for the efficient operation of a three-way converter is approximately

(a)  5 : 1

(b) 10 : 1

(c)  15 : 1

(d) 20 : 1



11 ______ is sprayed into the combustion chamber in a finely atomized particles

(a)  Air

(b) Fuel (Diesel)

(c)  Water

(d) None of these

12 _________is done by forcing the fuel to small orifice under high pressure

(a)  Vacuum

(b) Atomization

(c)  Carburation

(d) None of the above

13 In an Electronic Fuel Injection, the maintenance cost is ______

(a)  Low

(b) High

(c)  (a) &(b) both

(d) None of the above

14 Types of multi-point fuel injection system are

(a)  Port injection

(b) Throttle body injection

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of the above

15 EFI system can achieve

(a)  Proper injection timing

(b) Proper injection quantity

(c)  Proper injection pressure

(d) All of the above

16 If one or more nozzles are NOT spraying correctly, then ____occurs.

(a)  Dripping

(b) Misfiring

(c)  Cold firing

(d) None of the above

17 The thermal efficiency of spark ignition engine is _____that of compression ignition engine

(a)  More than

(b) Less than

(c)  Equal to

(d) None of the above

18 In diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by

(a)  Spark

(b) Injected fuel

(c)  Heat resulting from compressed air in cylinder

(d) None of the above

19 The ratio of indicated thermal efficiency to the corresponding air standard cycle efficiency is called

(a)  Thermal efficiency

(b) Efficiency ratio

(c)  Relative efficiency

(d) None of these

20 _______is collected during engine start up time, when the catalytic converter is cold, and then later on released back into exhaust flow when the converter is hot

(a)  HC

(b) CO

(c)  CO2

(d) H2O

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On -25th May 2022











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