Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 6 Sem May 2019 Visual Basic Paper

Bihar SBTE Polytechnic Diploma CSE 6 Sem May 2019 Visual Basic  Paper


Sr. No. Questions with options
1 _____ is used for finding out about objects, properties and methods.

(a)  Form layout window

(b) Code editor window

(c)  Object browser

(d) None of the above

2 _____________ is the process of finding and removing errors.

(a)  Checking

(b) Compiling

(c)  Debugging

(d) Quick watch

3 A __________variable is one that is declared inside a procedure.

(a)  Global

(b) Local

(c)  External

(d) None of the above

4 The _______ is a tool used for both the input and output purpose

(a)  Label

(b) Text box

(c)  Combo box

(d) Command button

5 Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?

(a)  Hide

(b) Show

(c)  Visible

(d) Enabled

6 We can preserve the value of a local variable by making the variable ____

(a)  Private

(b) Public

(c)  Static

(d) Implicit

7 _____ arrays can be resized at anytime

(a)  Dynamic

(b) Fixed

(c)  Multi dimensional

(d) Control array

8 HTML is a _____

(a)  High level programming language

(b) Markup language

(c)  Scripting language

(d) Server software

9 CSS stands for

(a)  Cascade style sheets

(b) Common style sheets

(c)  Catalogue style sheets

(d) None of the above

10 IIS is a

(a)  Markup language

(b) Web server

(c)  Scripting language

(d) Operating system

11 By default, the text box control can hold text as ______

(a)  Multiple lines

(b) Single line

(c)  Password character

(d) None of these

12 ______ contains shortcuts to frequently performed actions

(a)  Context menu

(b) Menu bar

(c)  Tool bar

(d) Tool box

13 RTF stands for

(a)  Rich text format

(b) Rich title format

(c)  Row text format

(d) Row text function

14 _______is an action recognized by a form or the control

(a)  Property

(b) Event

(c)  Method

(d) Procedure

15 _____ is one of the main building blocks in a VB application

(a)  Event

(b) Form

(c)  Procedure

(d) Method

16 ASP stands for

(a)  Active single page

(b) Activated service procedure

(c)  Active server page

(d) None of the above

17 DAO is a shorthand notation for _____

(a)  Data access object

(b) Data access object

(c)  Direct access object

(d) None of the above

18 Which of the following is NOT a feature of object oriented programming ?

(a)  Inheritance

(b) Polymorphism

(c)  Abstraction

(d) Platform independent

19 Mouse down event takes place when you,

(a)  Click the left mouse

(b) Press the mouse button

(c)  Mouse is moved over the control

(d) All of the above

20 _______________ is the extension of a class module

(a)  .cls

(b) .cla

(c)  .clss

(d) None of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 20th April 2022






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