Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 6 Sem May 2019 AI & ES Paper

Bihar SBTE Polytechnic Diploma Computer Science & Engineering 6 Sem May 2019 AI & ES Paper


Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following

(a)  Planning and scheduling

(b) Game and playing

(c)  Robotics

(d) All of the above

2 In a rule-based system, procedural domain knowledge is in the form of

(a)  Production rules

(b) Rule interpreters

(c)  Meta-rules

(d) Control rules

3 The field that investigates the mechanics of the human intelligence is

(a)  History

(b) Cognitive science

(c)  Psychology

(d) Sociology

4 What is the name of the computer program that simulates the thought processes of Human begins ?

(a)  Human Logic

(b) Expert System

(c)  Expert reason

(d) Personal information

5 Which of the following is a component of an Expert System?

(a)  Inference engine

(b) Knowledge base

(c)  User interface

(d) All of the above

6 _____ is/are the well known Expert systems for medical diagnosis systems.

(a)  MYSIN




7 A problem in search space is defined by one of these state

(a)  Initial state

(b) Last state

(c)  Intermediate state

(d) All of the above

8 What kind of clauses are available in conjunctive normal form?

(a)  Magic tee

(b) Klystron

(c)  Magnetron

(d) TWT

9 When the resolution is called as refutation complete ?

(a)  Sentence is satisfiable

(b) Sentence is unsatisfiable

(c)  Sentence remains the same

(d) None of the above

10 Which is NOT property of representation of knowledge

(a)  Representational verification

(b) Representational adequacy

(c)  Inferential adequacy

(d) Inferential efficiency

11 ___________is called the father of AI

(a)  James C Gosling

(b) Dennis Ritchie

(c)  Alan Turing

(d) Isaac Newton

12 In AI _____ is a combination of data structure and interpretive procedures

(a)  Knowledge

(b) Meta-knowledge

(c)  Artificial knowledge

(d) Performance

13 LISP was created by

(a)  John MeCarthy

(b) Marvin Minsky

(c)  Alan Turing

(d) None of the above

14 In which of the following situations might a blind search be acceptable?

(a)  Real-life situation

(b) Complex game

(c)  Small search space

(d) All of the above

15 In AI programming, a list may contain

(a)  Cells

(b) Fields

(c)  Pointers

(d) All of the above

16 Fuzzy set theory defines fuzzy operators from the following

(a)  AND

(b) OR

(c)  NOT

(d) All of the above

17 Which particular generation of computers is associated with artificial intelligence ?

(a)  Second

(b) Fourth

(c)  Fifth

(d) Third

18 How many possible sources of complexity are there is forward chaining?

(a)  1

(b) 2

(c)  3

(d) 4

19 Which is mainly used for automated reasoning ?

(a)  Backward chaining

(b) Forward chaining

(c)  Logic programming

(d) Parallel programming

20 What is Artificial Intelligence ?

(a)  Putting your intelligence into computer

(b) Programming with your won intelligence

(c)  Making a Machine intelligent

(d) Playing a Game

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 20th April 2022






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