Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 6 Sem Dec 2019 Visual Basic Paper

Bihar SBTE Polytechnic Diploma CSE 6 Sem Dec 2019 Visual Basic  Paper


Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Visual basic is a tool that allows you to develop application in

(a)  Real time

(b) Graphical user interface

(c)  Character user interface

(d) None of these

2 ____ is used for finding out about objects, properties and methods

(a)  Form layout window

(b) Code editor window

(c)  Object browser

(d) None of the above

3 In visual basic a variable name cannot be more than ____ characters

(a)  255

(b) 300

(c)  355

(d) 400

4 In visual basic ______ is the extension to represent project file

(a)  .frm

(b) .vbp

(c)  .cls

(d) .vb

5 The default property of a text for control is ______

(a)  Text

(b) Enable

(c)  Multiline

(d) Password char

6 ____ is a collection of files

(a)  Class

(b) Group

(c)  Project

(d) All of the above

7 The method, which loads the form into memory and displays it on screen is,

(a)  Load

(b) Show

(c)  Display

(d) All of these

8 _____ is the process of finding and removing errors

(a)  Checking

(b) Compiling

(c)  Debugging

(d) Quick watch

9 A_____ variable is one that is declared inside a procedure

(a)  Global

(b) Local

(c)  External

(d) None of  the above

10 MDI stands for __________

(a)  Multiple document interface

(b) Multiple design interface

(c)  Manipulated document interface

(d) Menu design interface

11 The default data type for VB is______

(a)  Integer

(b) Decimal

(c)  Variant

(d) String

12 Frame control acts as a _____

(a)  Event

(b) Method

(c)  Class

(d) Container

13 The _____ is used for both the input and output.

(a)  Label

(b) Text box

(c)  Combo box

(d) Command button

14 In visual basic the declaration of variables is done by ________keyword

(a)  Int

(b) Dim

(c)  Static

(d) Declare

15 ____ is a field in a table which contains unique data

(a)  Foreign

(b) Primary

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of these

16 Which is NOT a main component of the visual studio IDE?

(a)  Solution explorer

(b) Tool box

(c)  Start menu

(d) Designer window

17 Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?

(a)  Hide

(b) Show

(c)  Visible

(d) Enabled

18 In _____window we write code

(a)  Immediate window

(b) Locals window

(c)  Code editor window

(d) None of these

19 _____ control is used to provide an identifiable grouping of other controls?

(a)  Frame

(b) Label

(c)  List box

(d) Command button

20 _____ control is used to display text, but user cannot change it directly.

(a)  Text box

(b) Lable box

(c)  List box

(d) Command button

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 20th April 2022






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