Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 6 Sem Dec 2019 AI & ES Paper

Bihar SBTE Polytechnic Diploma Computer Science & Engineering 6 Sem Dec 2019 AI & ES Paper


Sr. No. Questions with options
1 What is Artificial Intelligence ?

(a)  Putting your intelligence into computer

(b) Programming with your won intelligence

(c)  Making a Machine intelligent

(d) Playing a Game

2 Which search method takes less memory ?

(a)  Depth-First search

(b) Breadth-first search

(c)  Optimal search

(d) Linear search

3 A Heuristic is a way of trying

(a)  To discover something or an idea embedded in a program

(b) To search and measure how far a node in a search free seems to be form a goal

(c)  To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than other is

(d) All of the mentioned

4 Which is NOT a properly of representation of knowledge?

(a)  Representational verification

(b) Representational adequacy

(c)  Inferential adequacy

(d) Inferential efficiency

5 The area of AI that investigates methods of facilitating communication between people and computer is

(a)  Natural language processing

(b) Symbolic processing

(c)  Decision support

(d) Robotics

6 The characteristics of the computer system capable of thinking, reasoning and learning is known as

(a)  Machine intelligence

(b) Human intelligence

(c)  Artificial intelligence

(d) Virtual intelligence

7 Natural language processing can be divided into the two subfields of

(a)  Context and expectations

(b) Generation and understanding

(c)  Semantics of pragmatics

(d) Recognition and synthesis

8 Which of the following, is a component of and expert system?

(a)  Inference engine

(b) Knowledge base

(c)  User interface

(d) All of the above

9 A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is

(a)  Edge detection

(b) Binocular vision

(c)  Model-base vision

(d) Robot vision

10 What is  state space ?

(a)  The whole problem

(b) Your definition to a problem

(c)  A space where you know the solution

(d) Representing yours problem with variables and parameter

11 A production rule consist of

(a)  A set of rule

(b) A sequence of steps

(c)  Arbitrary representation to a problem

(d) Both (a) & (b)

12 The high level language ______ has now become the dominant AI programming language

(a)  Ada

(b) LISP

(c)  AI Pro

(d) High AI

13 _______is an environment is which the search takes place

(a)  Problem space

(b) Problem instance

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of the above

14 The performance of an agent can be improved by

(a)  Learning

(b) Observing

(c)  Perceiving

(d) None of the above

15 First order logic is also known as

(a)  First order predicate calculus

(b) Quantification theory

(c)  Lower order calculate

(d) All of the above

16 Fuzzy logic is usually represented as

(a)  IF- THEN –ELSE rules

(b) IF – THEN rules

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None

17 Which is used to construct the complex sentences?

(a)  Symbols

(b) Connectives

(c)  Logical connectives

(d) None of the above

18 Which search is similar to minimax search?

(a)  Hill-climbing search

(b) Depth-first search

(c)  Breadth first search

(d) All of the above

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 20th April 2022






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